Title: 應用於訊號處理之位址產生器
Synthesis of Address Generator for Signal Processing
Authors: 鄔光傑
Kuang-Chieh Wu
Chen-Yi Lee
Keywords: 合成; 合成工具; 計數器; 訊號處理;synthesis; synthesizer; counter; signal processing
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 由於半導體科技的進步, 大量的運算處理功能可以被置於一個訊號處理晶 片中, 因此,速度的提昇便轉而受限於資料的存取。研究位址產生器的動 機便起源於如何突破此限制。在本篇論文中,我們發展了一套合成工具, 可以有效的合成一個位址產生器。使用者只須寫一段行為描述來指出位址 產生的順序,以這段描述當成合成工具的輸入, 然後這合成工具便能產 生一個以 Verilog 格式表示之線路。這線路中包含計數器以及一些邏輯 閘,它們均是以模組的形式顯現於線路中。試驗結果證明,輸出線路能滿 足規格的要求,而且僅佔用了少量的晶片面積。由此可知這個工具提供了 一套有效的方法來提昇訊號處理晶片之功能。 Though advanced technology allows to put large computation power on a signal processor chip, the accessing ability of a signal processor may become another limitation on its performance. This is the motivation to study efficient address generation method. In this thesis, we develop a useful and efficient synthesis tool, SAG (Synthesizer for Address Generation), for automatic construction of the address generator. The only thing which user should do is to write a behavior description for the desired address sequence. With the behavior description as input, the synthesizer SAG will construct the address generation circuit in the form of Verilog net-list as Output. This net-list consists of counters and combinational logics and represented in the form of modules. Test results show that the output net-lists satisfy the specifications and occupy very small chip area. Thus this SAG synthesizer provide an efficient way to design address generation for performance improvement of signal processing chips.
Appears in Collections:Thesis