Title: 利用中頻差分檢測的pi/4-DQPSK無線電傳送機之研究
Study of pi/4-DQPSK Radio Modem Using IF Differential Detection
Authors: 陳衍史
Yen-Shih Chen
Ching-Kuang C. Tzuang
Keywords: 線性調變; 無線電傳送機; 差分檢測;pi/4-DQPSK; Radio Modem; Differential Detection; Linear Modulation
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 當今數位通訊系統中的無線電傳送機設計, 經常運用到不同型式的調變技
術. 與傳統的調頻系統比較起來, 線性調變技術能提供較高的頻譜使用效
率. 但於此種調變技術下, 發射端功率放大器的非線性特性會造成信號頻
譜的展開. 所以在有效頻譜運用與有效功率運用兩者考量下,必須作個權
衡.為了有效地利用有限的頻譜資源, 高頻譜使用效率的p/4-DQPSK線性調
變技術, 被美國新一代數位蜂巢式行動電話系統所採用, 完成了1.62
bits/Hz的頻譜使用效率. 於此論文, 以中頻差分檢測的p/4-DQPSK線性
調變系統為例, 作系統模擬.本論文提出一種有效的系統模擬技術, 讓系
格, 然後模擬得到系統各方面的特性, 以利分析.
There are many different modulation techniques which have been
considered for the radio modem design of the digital mobile
systems. The linear modulation technique offers higher
spectrum efficiency than conventional FM system. But the
nonlinearity of the transmitting power amplifier tends to
spread the spectrum of the signal. The compromises between
spectrum efficiency and power efficiency have to be
considered. A powerful system simulation technique is
presented using the pi/4-DQPSK as an example. Such technique
can enable system designer to issue realistic specifications
for various components used in the radio MODEM system. A high
capacity digital mobile system has been developed in the U.S.,
such narrow band TDMA system employs pi/4-DQPSK linear
modulation, achieving a spectral efficiency of 1.62 bits/Hz.
The pi/4-DQPSK linear modulation scheme encodes baseband
information in both the amplitude and phase of the RF carrier,
thereby it increases spectral efficiency. We will study the BER
(bit-error-rate) performance of the pi/4-DQPSK system using IF
differential detection. The simulation results are presented
for static and multipath fading channels by using the EEsof
Appears in Collections:Thesis