Title: 用於高階QAM之盲蔽等化技術
Blind Equalization for High Order QAM
Authors: 李育民
Yu-Min Lee
Ta-Sung Lee
Keywords: 盲蔽等化器,陣列天線,隨機相位差;Blind Equalizer, Adaptive Array, Random Phase Shift
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 在現代的無線電訊系統中,人們常利用適應等化器來解決多重路徑的干擾
化器的參數。此類處理過程常是昂貴的, 不切實際的,而且在多點網路系
做一小幅調整 ,我們可將此方法擴展到QAM訊號上。模擬的結果在適當的
此等化器的收斂性質,並且由電腦模擬的結果得到證明 。
In terrestial digital radio systems,the use of adaptive
equalizers to combat with multipath distortion is desired.
Conventional equalization techniques require that a training
sequence known to the receiver is sent periodically such that
the equalizer can determine the inverse channel transfer
function via a deconvolution procedure. This kind of processing
can be costly and may not be achievable in many applications
such as multi-point networks. The desirability of avoiding the
difficulty of the training sequence driven process prompts the
development of a class of blind equalizers which achieve
parameter estimation based on the channel output and prior
knowledge about the input sequence. In this thesis,we propose a
blind equalizer whose operation is based on the minimization of
a noncovex cost function derived from the geometric and
statistical properties of the QPSK constellation. Extension of
the proposed method to QAM signals is straightforward with a
minor modification of the cost function. Simulation results
demonstrate that the proposed method achieves the performance
of Godard's method for modreate channel conditions, and
outperforms the latter for high order QAM signals. A merit of
the proposed method not shared by Godard's is that it is immune
to the random phase error incurred with the channel distortion.
As a preliminary trial, We also incorporate spatial domain
processing via an adaptive array to further improve the
performance of the equalizer. The convergence property of the
proposed algorithm is analyzed mathematically and confirmed by
computer simulations.
Appears in Collections:Thesis