標題: 雙光纖同步波長格狀網路之研究
Dual-Fiber Wavelength-Registered Regular Grid Networks
作者: 顏啟仁
Chii-Ren Yan
Ming-Seng Kao
關鍵字: 單躍遷;多躍遷;同步波長;波長產生中心;Single-hop;Multihop;Wavelength Registered;WGC
公開日期: 1992
摘要: 本篇論文主要提出一個以波長多工為主體的新型大容量封包交換網路 ,它 結合了單躍遷,網路與多躍遷網路的優點, 本網路的實體架構是把一個具 有 N 個節點的網路分成n行及m列的格狀結構, 節點與節點之間使用雙光 纖作為被動 的連接每條光纖都含多重的波長頻道 , 個別的行和列使用直 接的連接方式每一條路徑都有一專用的波長頻道而每一個節點只要裝置 m+n-2 個光發射器和接收器就可與網路上的其它節點來進行通訊 , 位於 相同行或列的節點 如要 進行通訊不必經過任何中間節點(inter- mediate node) 而位於不同行和列的節點則需經過一個中間節點,因此一 個封包從起始點到目的地其平均的躍遷數不會超過 2 ,如此一個封包的傳 送所衍生的問題諸如擁塞,路由尋找及流量控制都此網路中所有的光載波 都是由一共同的波長產生中心WGC所提供 In this paper, we propose a novel WDM-based network architecture combining the positive features of single-hop networks and multi-hop networks to build a high-capacity packet network. The physical layout of the network is dividing N-node network into n rows and m columns grids and each node is based on dual-fiber inter-connections that contain multiple wavelength channels as a passive inter-connected fabric. With full connectivity in each row/column, each path has a dedicated wavelength channel and every node could be able to communicate with others by equipping (m+n-2) optical transceivers. Nodes that located at different row/column can be relay through inter- mediate node to communicate with each other. The average number of hops for a packet to transverse from a source to destination is no more than 2, thereby problems in congestion, routing, access and flow control with packet switching networks are very much released. All the carriers of the network are supplied by a common generation center ( WGC ).
Appears in Collections:Thesis