Title: 聚碳酸酯與聚醯胺聚摻合研究
Polyblends of Polycarbonate and Polyamides
Authors: 周大成
Dah-Cheng Chou
Feng-Chih Chang
Keywords: 聚摻合物;核殼型橡膠;橡膠分散性;相容劑;Polyblends;Core-Shell Rubber;Rubber Distribution;Compatibilizer
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 聚碳酸酯 (PC) 與聚醯胺 (PA) 均為性質良好之工程塑膠. 若能將特性互
補當能得到性質優越的新材料. 但由形態學分析兩種材料之界面發現分散
相顆粒大而不均, 而且有嚴重的相界面分離的現象, 可見兩者相容性不
佳, 造成機械性質劇降. 故我們擬針對此系統來加以探討及改善.本研究
分為兩部份, 第一部份之目的在探討橡膠分散性以及其對聚摻合物物性的
影響. 利用反應性及非反應性核殼型橡膠來控制 PC/PA 摻合物之形態.
所使用的非反應性核殼型橡膠,核為聚丁二烯 (PB), 殼為聚甲基丙烯酸甲
酯 (PMMA), 因為 PC 與 PMMA 相容性較佳, 故橡膠會落于 PC 相中; 而
反應性橡膠,因具有馬來酐基, 可與 PA 反應而會落于 PA 相中. 如此導
致截然不同之相形態, 可由穿透式電子顯微鏡 (TEM) 及掃瞄式電子顯微
鏡 (SEM) 相片中觀察得到. 機械性質測試結果顯示, 橡膠落于 PC 相較
落于 PA 相效果為佳,且當 PC 為連續相時, 加入橡膠確實得到較佳之增
韌效果. 第二部份目的在於尋找適當的相容劑, 藉著反應押出的加工方式
良好的改善, 且若同時加入環氧樹脂以及橡膠能得到最佳之綜合性質.
Both Polycarbonate (PC) and Polyamide (PA) are useful engineer-
ing thermoplastics with excellent properties. The resulted
blends have coarse domain morphology and phase debonding that
indicate the poor compatibility between these two blending
components and therefore poor mechanical properties. This
dissertation includes two main parts. First we investigate the
effect on mechanical properties of rubber distribution by
adding core-shell type rubber with butadiene core and
methyl methacrylate outer shell, with and without
containing maleic anhydride reactive group. Since PMMA is
more compatible to PC than to PA therefore the non-reactive
rubber is in favor of PC phase. The maleic anhydride group in
the reactive rubber particle can react with PA and form the PA-
bonded rubber particles, which are more favorable residing in
the PA phase than in PC phase.The results of mechanical
properties show that the rubber residing in PC phase results in
better toughening than residing in PA phase of the PC/PA
blends.In the second part we try to use difunctional epoxy
resin with phenoxy main chain to improve compatibility by
reactive blending sequence.Results from morphological,
mechanical and rheological properties show significant
improvements essenti- ally on all compositions. We can futhur
optimalize the physical properties of this blend by the
combined use of epoxy resin and core-shell rubber.
Appears in Collections:Thesis