Title: 機場航站大廈出境作業流程延滯擴散及控制之研究
Departure Process-Delay Propagation and Control Strategies in Airport Passenger Terminals
Authors: 許乃文
Nai-Wen Hsu
Chaug-Ing Hsu
Keywords: 航站;出境作業流程;作業延滯;延滯擴散;延滯控制;流程配置;Airport Passenger Terminal;Departure Process;Process Delay;Delay Propagation;Control Strategies;Process Layout
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 機場航站大廈為航空運輸空側、陸側交會運作核心,回顧世界各主要國際機場發展過程,皆曾發生設施使用提早達飽和,卻因機場週邊土地發展強度增加及噪音限制標準提高,使得機場硬體向外擴充不具可行性,故如何在有限資源下,透過作業效率之提升以增加機場容量實為一重要課題。出境作業單位甚多且流程繁瑣,在緊密的航班安排、高相依作業銜接配合特性下,出境作業流程中航班可能因臨時性作業事件產生延滯,除了對相鄰航班作業時間造成影響,對該航班之接續作業亦會產生影響。航空運輸延滯與控制研究中,多為空側航機誤點延滯之探討;航站陸側作業研究則多針對個別作業流程作業績效進行探討;研究方法多以模擬模式為主,然此類方法未能透明闡述延滯於出境作業流程中對航班間與作業間之擴散影響機制。 本研究以解析性方法,依據航空運輸場站之延滯特性,針對出境作業流程延滯發生原因與特性進行探討﹔首先就流程中不同作業服務類型與作業間接續影響關係進行歸納與分析﹔而後,以確定性等候理論為基礎,構建作業等候模型與延滯時間推估模式,以探討作業發生延滯後對航班間、作業間之延滯擴散影響範圍。繼而,以標籤校正演算法為基礎,針對航班出境作業時間網路評估航班出境作業時間最大之關鍵作業流程,以瞭解航班於所有出境作業流程上所受之影響及求算此流程上航班之作業所需時間。進一歩,針對延滯擴散影響狀況構建延滯成本函數,以探討旅客、作業單位、航空公司與航站等產生之延滯成本﹔同時藉由對延滯原因與作業機制之分析,擬定固定作業完成時間、增加作業櫃檯與使用特定櫃檯服務等三種延滯控制方案以降低延滯擴散影響。此外本研究亦就不同作業配置方式如911事件、SARS疫情等配置下可能之延滯擴散情形進行分析。 本研究以中正國際機場出境作業流程為例進行範例分析﹔結果顯示所構建之模式可有效推估航站出境作業延滯擴散影響範圍與成本;同時透過採用所提出之控制方案並可降低延滯擴散影響﹔此外,於不同流程配置分析中亦發現作業接續關係為延滯擴散影響關鍵,當兩作業為非直接進入式關係,因空間緩衝作用可紓解上游延滯對下游作業之擴散影響。而當出境作業因提高安檢或檢疫層級而改變流程配置,延滯擴散所形成之影響將較原配置方式嚴重﹔另航空公司於911事件流程配置下,建議旅客提早3小時開始進行出境作業,確實能降低櫃檯報到作業對後續出境作業之影響。最後,經由對時間價值、設備使用費、登機門時間帶懲罰成本等成本參數進行敏感度分析,發現控制方案中成本比例變動幅度之變動方向與成本改善效益變動方向呈負相關,成本改善程度大小與成本比例變動幅度呈正相關。綜上,本研究進一歩釐清航班於出境作業流程中,各項因素對航班作業產生之影響,可供航空公司、航站營運單位於未來面對不同作業延滯與流程配置情況下改善出境作業流程之參考。
Airport passenger terminal is an interface of airside and landside operations. Tightly scheduled flights and processes are its significant characteristics. The demand for air transportation increases rapidly with the trend of globalization and international trade, while the expansions of airport terminals are usually limited due to the constraints of land and noise abatement. Therefore, how to increase the efficiency of passenger processing in the existing terminals has become an important issue. The departure process in the passenger terminal is very important as it is complicated and related to the punctuality of departure flights and the connectivity of connecting flights. Once there occur any incidents or additional requirements on any of departure process frequently incur delay and delay propagation on interrelated process in the terminals, even blocked the whole air transportation system. The security check due to 911 events and passenger health investigation due to SARS are the recent examples. This study develops models on analyzing the delay propagation and control strategies in the departure process of passenger terminal. First, the study develops analytical queuing models on process delay propagation on different types of servers and connections classified by serving single or multiple flights. The study further examines the relationships of consecutive servers and processes to analyze the evolution of the delay propagation. Second, the study further develops an algorithm based on label correcting algorithm to find the critical departure process, which shows the longest process path and time of each flight. Furthermore, the study formulates delay cost functions for passengers, airline, and airport operators and proposes control strategies to minimize delay and delay propagation in the passenger departure process. The proposed strategies include set up the close time for each flight in each process, providing the extra server, and the initiating priority service for the emergent flight. The study also analyzes the degrees of delay propagation for different types of process layout, such as 911 and SARS, etc. Finally, the study uses CKS passenger terminal as an example to demonstrate the application and feasibility of the developed models. The results show that delay can be dispersed between un-consecutive servers due to spatial buffer, and to advance the open time for half an hour in departure process would alleviate the possible delay propagations. Moreover the study further conducts sensitive analyses of cost parameters on control strategies. The results show that the ration of delay cost decreases with delay-improved benefit increasing, and the degree of the ration of delay cost increases with the scale of delay-improved benefit increasing. The results of this study provide guidances on designing airport passenger terminal process and controlling process delay in practice.
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