标题: 脆性岩石受载过程之声射特性与定位
A Study on the Characteristics and Source Location of Acoustic Emission of Brittle Rocks Subjected to Loading
作者: 纪毓中
Yu-Chung Chi
Yii-Wen Pan
关键字: 声射,裂缝;acoustic emission,crack
公开日期: 1993
摘要: 脆性岩石在受载的过程中,材料内部原生裂缝尖端可能有应力集中的现象
探讨受载脆性岩石中裂隙之发展,同时分析不同载重条件下 (单轴压缩试
验、三点载重试验、巴西间接张力试验) 声射讯号之特性。经由本研究试
验结果之分析,得到以下的结论: 1.以声射定位来探讨脆性岩石受载过
程中裂隙之发展,具有其可行性。 2.由变质石英砂岩三种试验结果,归
系。 3.脆性岩石在受载过程中,高振幅声射讯号的出现与裂缝的不稳定
成长之间,存在密切的关系。 4.利用声射技术可有效分辨岩石不同的受
The microfractures in a brittle rock may develop or expand when
the material is subjected to loading. Microfracturing process
in the material will result in elastic waves,which can be
detected by an acoustic emission data acquisition system. This
thesis aims to investigate the acoustic emission
characteristics and the fracturing process under various
loading condition (uniaxial compression test, three-point-
bending test , Brazilian test ). Conclusions are drawn from the
study: 1.It seems feasible to use acoustic emission source
location technique to investigate the crack developing process
of a brittle rock Subjected to loading. 2.For the sample used
in the study, it is found that the relative order of the
amplitude ,duration ,energy level of acoustic emissions occur
in various loading types are all similar. 3.In general,
acoustic emission of the highest amplitude tends to occurs in
the stage of unstable crack propagation. 4.Different loading
stages can be identified effectively by the acoustic emission