Title: 類神經網路在鋼結構設計上之應用
Application of Artificial Neural Networks in The Design of Axial Compression Members
Authors: 林育樓
Yuh-Law Lin
Syh-Lin Hung
Keywords: 類神經網路;L-BFGS演算法;BP學習演算法;線搜尋演算法;鋼結構柱設計;Artificial neural network algorithm; Optimization L-BFGS algorithm ; Line search algorithm
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 基於數學演算法中之L-BFGS演算法與線搜尋演算法 (Line Search
學習法(Error Backpr- opagation Learning Algorithm,BP)並應用於鋼
結構設計領域中,BP演算法係基於最陡下降演算法(The Steep- est
Descent Method),然其演算法中常數項的學習因子 (或學習速率)(
Learning Ratio)常讓該神經網路在學習過程中呈現出非系統化的收斂情
況。而且最佳的學習因子常數系隨學習問題的不同而有很大的差異, 所以
依試誤(Trail-and -error)方式所選定的學習因子讓BP演算法的學習收斂
不盡理想。本研究引進L-BFGS最佳化演算理論來增進BP梯度演算步驟 ,
並結合了線搜尋演算法( Line Search),使得在搜尋誤差的最小值過程中,
展的學習演算法具有較BP演算法較佳的收斂特性, 且由試誤法求取學習因
Based on mathematical optimization L-BFGS algorithm and line
search algorithm,a new artif- ical neural network learning
algorithm has been developed to improved the learning
capability of Error Backpropagation learning algorithm(BP) and
the new algorithm has been applied to the domain of steel
column design problem.BP learning algo- rithm, based on the
steepest descent method , is widely used for training
multilayer neural netw- orks. The algorithm , however , has a
non-system converge rate for a constant learning ratio. The
optimum value of learning ratio is dependent on the problem.
As a result, the BP algorithm has a slow learning rate for the
problem of arbitrary trail-and-error of the learning ratio .
In this project,the L-BFGS optimization algorithm is used to
improved the calculation of gradient direction of BP learning
algorithm.Instead of constant lea- rning ratio , the step
length in the line search in the new algorithm is adapted
during the learn- ing process. The new learning algorithm has
been applied to the problem of steel column design . The new
algorithm has better converge rate than the BP algorithm. The
problem of arbitrary trail -and-error of the learning ratio
encountered in the BP algorithm is removed in the new algorithm.
Appears in Collections:Thesis