標題: 導引巴士技術特性之研究
A study on the technologic characteristics of Guided Bus.
作者: 楊志忠
Jyh-Jong Yang
Chuan-Fang Wang
關鍵字: 導引巴士;雙用途公車系統;捷運系統;O-Bahn;Guided Bus;Dual-Mode Bus
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 導引巴士(Guided Bus, GB)為雙用途公車 (Dual-Mode Buses)的一種,在 德國別名O-Bahn,是一種經過特殊設計的公車系統,既可以人為控制的方 式,行駛於一般街道上,亦可利用自動導引的技術,行駛於有導軌的路線 上。這種雙用途的公車系統不僅保留了公車的高可及性,同時也發揮了軌 道系統高服務水準的特性。自從導引巴士在德國Essen 市試駛成功後,澳 洲的Adelaide市和日本的名古屋市亦相繼採用。連城走廊位於台北縣西區 ,係指土城市與中和市間由土城中央路、金城路及中和連城路所組成的交 通幹線,此亦為土城與樹林、三峽地區經中永和進出台北市核心區之主要 孔道。近年來,由於該區的人口成長快速,從整體區域均衡發展的觀點來 看,經過交通運輸平衡分析後,建設土城與中和間的大眾運輸系統極為迫 切。因此,本研究將針對連城走廊的地區特性,探討導引巴士在連城走廊 的應用。 Guided Bus is a kind of the Dual-Mode Buses, called O-Bahn in Germany. It is a specially-designed bus system intended to run on ordinary road under manual-control, but also to run on guideway under side-guidance. This kind of Dual-Mode system preserves the high area accessibility of bus system, as well as the high service-level of MRT system. The Guided Buses were used successfully in Essen (Germany), Adelaide (Australian) and Nagoya (Japan) . Lian-Cherng Corridor located in the western of Taipei, consists of Jong-Jang Road、Jin-Cherng Road、 Lian-Cherng Road between Tuu-cherng city and Jong-Her city. and it is also the main corrior connecting the cities of Tuu-Cherng 、Shuh-Lin、 San-Shya in to Taipei downtown. In the recent years, because the population of the area has increased rapidly, based on the analysis of transportation demand, building the transit system between Jong-Her and Yeong-Her was recommended. Hence, this study will discuss the application of Guided bus in the Lian-Cherng Corridor.
Appears in Collections:Thesis