標題: 以波長分離多工技術之光時域反射分析儀在含摻鉺光纖放大器之長程通訊系統的監控分析
A noval supervisory technique using wavelength-division- multiplexed OTDR in EDFA repeatered transmission system
作者: 賴彥文
Yen-Wen Lai
Dr. W.I. Way;
Dr. Y. Lai
關鍵字: 光時域反射分析儀;摻鉺光纖放大器;波長分離多工;OTDR;EDFA;WDM
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 本論文建議了一種以波長分離多工(Wavelenth-division-multiplexed)光 時域反射分析儀(Optical time domain reflectometry)來監控分析的技 術,適用在含摻鉺光纖放大器(Erbium-doped fiber amplifier)之長程光 纖系統中.這技術只需對傳統的方法作一點點的改變,就同時達到對線上摻 鉺光纖放大器多樣的監控保護,和光纖斷點的定位.我們並以實驗來印證此 技術,實驗上達到了:在1.3μm頻帶125公里及1.55μm頻帶200公里的結果. 本論文並同時檢驗了因摻鉺光纖放大器的飽和,所引起的暫態增益壓縮,造 成光時域反射分析儀脈波的失真,以及此失真在長程光纖通訊系統測試中 的效應. A wavelength-division-multiplexed optical-time-domain- reflectometry (OTDR) supervisory technique is experimentally demonstrated in a 200-km transmission system. The proposed technique, which requires only slight modification of ventional OTDR method, can be used for simultaneously achieve in-line erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) performance monitoring and diversity protection, and fault location in optical fibers. A complete system analysis given in this thesis provides a general guideline for choosing the appropriate interstage span in a long-distance link so that the OTDR supervisory technique can be used. This thesis also examines OTDR pulse distortion due to transient gain compression in a saturated EDFA and the resultant effect on testing long-haul optical fiber systems.
Appears in Collections:Thesis