標題: 行動電話使用族群對未來手機服務需求之探討
The Study of Cellphone Users' Demand on Future Mobile Phone service
作者: 陳啟元
Chi Yuan Chen
Shang-Hwa Hsu
關鍵字: 活動理論;第四代行動電話;Activity Theory;Fourth Generation Mobile Phone
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 隨著行動通訊技術的進步,行動電話已經從單純的通訊工具轉變為個人的資訊中心。因此,要提供何種服務或是功能前,必須先設法瞭解使用者的需求,針對使用者的需求差異提供相對應的服務與功能。 當第三代行動電話的收益不如預期時,第四代行動電話卻悄悄的崛起,但是當一切只停留在技術研究階段時,業者必須針對未來的行動電話可以提供何種需求進行研究,當技術成熟時便可以一舉的搶佔市場。 根據研究結果,我們可以利用活動型態來預測未來的行動電話需求。在研究結果發現不同活動類型與身份的人,對於需求是有差異的。這些差異可以做為業者在行銷或設計一個參考意見。
Due to the advancement on mobile communication technology, the mobile phones work as personal information center rather than simple communication tool. Consequently, we must think of a method to meet users’ various requirement before providing customers’ with corresponding serves. While the profit of Third Generation Mobile Phone doesn’t get as much as our anticipation, The Fourth Generation Mobile Phone arises soundlessly. Since everything remains on researching stage, the proprietors must try to find out what kinds of services the future mobile phones can offer, and therefore they may able to occupy larger market share when the technology grows maturely According to the research, we can predict the requirements of future mobile phone through the type of activities. The research shows that people with different activity types and status have different requirements. This difference can be viewed as a reference for product marketing as well as designing in the business. .