標題: 有線電視新聞台之選舉新聞分析-以台中民主台及允中傳播公司為例
The Analysis of Election News Reporting by Two Cable Stations- Min-Juu and Yeun-Jong staions in Tair-Jong
作者: 林月芬
Yueh-Fen Lin
Chien-San Fang
關鍵字: 有線電視;選舉新聞;內容分析;符號學;Cable TV; election news; content news; Semiotics
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 本研究的目的在分析政黨經營之有線電視台在選舉期間的新聞表現,選定 民進黨人士經營的台中民主台及國民黨投資的允中傳播公司為樣本,以內 容分析及符號學分析二台之新聞內容。結果發現: 1.二台之新聞內容皆 以〞候選人及策略與過程〞類為主。 2.民主台主要出現的候選人是民進 黨候選人林俊義;允中出現的是國民候選人林柏榕。 3.受訪者方面,民 主台以民進黨籍受訪者為多,允中以國民黨為主。 4.二台出現的政黨符 號不同;民主台以民進黨為主,允中以國民黨為主。 5.新聞畫面方面以 民主台較為公正;允中新聞畫面對國民黨候選人林柏 榕較有利。 6.在 新聞中二台對候選人有不同的報導偏向;民主台對林俊義較有利, 允中 對林柏榕較有利。 整體言之,允中傳播公司之新聞製作技巧較高,而 民主台之新聞對二位候選人的報導相較之下較為公平。 It is controversial whether a political party can manage a cable TV station, but it is not mentioned in "Cable TV Act". The major point of the controversy is that a cable TV station may be politicized if it is owned by political parties, especially during the period of election. This study focuses on cable TV election news of KMT & DPP in the period of mayor election. "Content analysis" is the primary method used to analyze those news materials. The conclusions are: 1. The kind of eliction news, "strategies of candidate," takes most of the time of both Min-Juu and Yeun-Jong cable TV stations' election news reporting. 2. The most frequently invited interviewees in Min-Juu's news are DPP's entrants; while that the most interviewees in Yeun-Jong's news are KMT's entrants. 3. The frequency of appearances of each party's symbolic sign is unequal in both cable TV stations' news reporting. 4. The Yeun- Jong's news shots extremely benefit the candidate belong to KMT. 5. The judgments made by these two cable TV stations' news reporters about the two candidates are unfair. To sum up, the election news of these two cable TV staions make positive reports to benefit the candidates who is from their own political parties. But Min-Juu's news is more objective than that of Yeun-Jong.