標題: 分散式資料庫系統測試檯
Distributed Database Testbed System
作者: 倪正耀
Cheng-Yao Ni
Dr. Shyan-Ming Yuan
關鍵字: 分散式異種資料庫系統, 線上交易處理, 兩階段委任協定;Multidatabase, On-Line Transaction Processing, Two-Phase Commit
公開日期: 1993
摘要: DITSE是一個分散式異種資料庫系統,它提供結構性查詢語言讓使用 者不需指明資料庫網路位址,也能夠存取散佈在網路上不同電腦之資料庫 。此系統也提供了線上交易處理的服務,利用這種服務能夠幫助使用者發 展可靠的分散式應用軟體。DITSE遵循目前最為廣泛使用的委任協定 ,即兩階段委任協定,來使各個不同的交易管理者達成共識,作出一致的 決定。在這篇論文中,我們探討DITSE的架構以及一些重要特性。相 關的設計準則及原理在本論文中亦可以找得到。 DITSE is a distributed heterogeneous multidatabase system which provides SQL to allow users to transparently access multiple databases on different machines. It also provides OLTP ( On- Line Transaction Processing) services which contribute to develop reliable distributed applications. DITSE follows the most popular commit protocol, two-phase commit protocol, to reach an agreement between different transaction managers. In this thesis , we describe the architecture and some important features of DITSE. Relevant design issues are also addressed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis