標題: 橢球形狀量子點內類氫雜質的束縛能的計算
Calculation of the binding energy for hydrogenic impurity in prolate quantum dot
作者: 李岳川
Yueh-Chuan Lee
T. J. Yang
關鍵字: 量子點;類氫雜質;束縛能;無限位障邊界;橢球形狀;等值面函數;;quantum dot; hydrogenic impurity; binding energy; infinite barrier; prolate; contour funciton;
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 本論文的主旨在研究內含類氫雜質的量子點結構中電子束縛能的變化趨勢
方法是以1989年時Gorecki和Byers Brown所提的理論為基礎。我們對這個
In this thesis we study the change of electronic binding energy
of hydrogenic impurity in the QD(quantum dot) with infinite
potential boundary barrier. We take three different cases to
survey the tendency of change of binding energy:(i) The QD is
lengthened or shortened (ii) the position of impurity deviates
from the center of the QD (iii) the volume of the QD is kept
constant but the shape of the QD can be gradually chang. The
calculational method used in this thesis is based on the theory
proposed by Gorecki and Byers Brown in 1989. We improve the
contour function so that we get better results. Besides, with
our improvement, we can deal prolate QDs problems. No matter
where the impurity is, the numerical results show that the
binding energy converge quickly. If we fix the volumes of QDs,
and lengthen or shorten them, we find that the binding energies
change slowly. It reveals that the binding energy and the
volume of the QD are closely correlated.
Appears in Collections:Thesis