Title: 快速超扭轉向列液晶顯示控制器之製作與測量
The Implementation and Measurement of High Speed Supertwisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Displays Controller
Authors: 陳星禕
Shi-E Chen
吳錦川; 鄭恩澤;
Jiin-Chuan Wu; En-Jer Jang;
Keywords: 超扭轉向列; 液晶顯示器;;Supertwisted Nematic (STN); Liquid Crystal Display (LCD);
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 在本篇論文裡,我們提出適用於快速超扭轉向列(STN)液晶顯示(LCD)控制
器的設計,此種驅動方式稱為"主動尋址方式(Active Addressing
(Conventional Multiplexed Addressing)技術來驅動快速超扭轉向列液
晶顯示器在畫面顯示上所造成的" 幀響應(Frame Response)" 現象,其次,
電路的電晶體數約37萬且最低的工作頻率是3.932 MHz,其顯示的畫像
This thesis introduces the design of a CMOS controller suitable
for application in high speed supertwisted nematic (STN) liquid
crystal displays (LCDs). The driving method is called "Active
Addressing Method". The active addressing method is a new
electronic driving technology that makes it possible for fast-
responding STN LCDs to deliver full-motion video images without
loss of brightness or contrast. First, we explain the
conventional multiplexed addressing techniques at video rate,
and describe the " Frame Response " phenomenon resulting from
the conventional multiplexed addressing method when fast-
responding STN LCD is used. Then, we explain the theory of the
active addressing method. We address how to choose the active
addressing row signals and derive the algorithms for generating
column signals to display the desired patterns. Circuit design
for implementing the active addressing method is presented,
including an integrated circuit design. This controller has
been fabricated in a 0.8μm CMOS single-poly double-metal twin-
well technology with an area of 39mm^2. The approximate
transistor count of this controller is 370 thousand. This
circuit operates at more than 3.932MHz clock rate. The pixel
numbers of STN LCD are 255*256. Because of the low
manufacturing cost in STN displays as compared with the thin
film transistor (TFT) displays, the active addressing method is
expected to make low cost, high-performance video rate LCDs for
the wide variety of application products.
Appears in Collections:Thesis