Title: 一個經濟 可程式化的腓特比解碼器
An Efficient Programmable Viterbi Decoder
Authors: 李信賢
Hsin-Shian Li
Chen-Yi Lee
Keywords: 腓特比解碼器;迴旋碼;Viterbi Decoder;Convolutional Code
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 本篇論文敘述一個可程式化的腓特比解碼器(Viterbi decoder)及其理論
架構。此系統可應用在 2 ≦ m ≦ 4 之迴旋碼(Convolutional Code),
並且可用 100 MHz 之時序波(clock)驅動。此經濟之設計乃在於精簡記憶
體、繞線面積和Add-Compare-Select (ACS)此單元之速度加快。在安排餘
存記憶體(Survivor Memory Management)的方法上,我們採用回頭找(
我們用一個暫存器(register)去儲存節點值(node content),並且用的
In this thesis, an algorithm and an ASIC architecture for
programmable Viterbi decoder are presented. This system
theoretically could be driven by 100MHz singal phase clock, and
has the programmable ability to decode 2 ≦ m ≦ 4
convolutional code. The efficient design comes from the
reduction of memory area, wiring area, and the speed up of add-
compare-select(ACS) operation. The trace-back method is applied
to reduce the wiring area. The path memory which stores the
surving paths is reduced as the node register cell is one bit
cell. And the SRAM cell is designed in an asymmetric way to
apply the one port in, one port out operation. This will also
reduce the memory size. And the 2-ACS's parallel processing,
together with the internal pipeline schedule of ACS unit
enchances the ACS operation speed. The architecture is then
mapped on circuit design, and layout implementation is made by
using TSMC 0.8mm CMOS SPDM technology. The chip area is
0.4cm*0.3cm and the maximum clock rate is 100MHz. In the end of
the thesis, we will discuss the ways to design the programmable
Viterbi decoder for versatile use.
Appears in Collections:Thesis