Title: 數位通訊系統同步技術之研究
Study of Synchronization Techniques for Digital Communication
Authors: 劉錦勳
Ging-Shing Liu
Che-Ho Wei
Keywords: 載波同步;時序回復;數位用戶迴路;無線數位行動通訊;適應性通道估測;carrier;timing;subscriber loop;mobile/portable communication; adaptive channel estimator
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 本論文主要探討高速率電話線傳輸和數位無線電通訊系統的同步問題, 同
困難o 為增加時序回復的可靠度, 我們提出一包率取樣的時序回復技術o
而造成多重路徑反射的干擾, 使得接收到的信號發生嚴重衰落(Fading)o
首先, 我們評估一類非線性時序回復技術在衰落通道中的效能並比較之o
由於衰落效應導致同步相位解調困難, 而差分解調雖然毋需載波相位的回
復, 但是頻率漂移則會影響系統效能o 在文中, 我們提出一快速頻移估測
器並分析頻移量和系統效能間的數學關係, 更進一步評估該快速頻移估測
器在衰落通道中的效能o 落效應與符際干擾兩因素對一般LOS(Line-of-
Sight)無線電通訊系統其載波相位回復的影響, 並分析I-Q 載波相位回復
In the dissertation, we study the clock and the carrier
synchronization for the high-rate digital subscriber lines(
HDSL) and the digital wireless communication systems. In the
HDSL transmission, the severe intersymbol interfere- nce(ISI),
the residual echo and the near-end crosstalk(NEXT) from the
adjacent cables will make the timing recovery and data ion
become more difficult. In the dissertation, we propose a rate
sampling timing recovery method based on an adaptive estimator.
The timing information is extracted from the estimated channel
response rather than from the received signal itself.
Furthermore, the timing recovery, the channel equalization and
fine-tuned automatic gain control (AGC) can be unified simply
by an adaptive channel estimator such that the overall hardware
lexity can be reduced. In the radio propagation, the received
signal suffers from ipath fading due to the reflections of
buildings or terrain. we evaluate a class of nonlinear timing
recovery techniques forπ/4-DQPSK signal in the Rayleigh fading
channels. Since detection does not require carrier phase
recovery, it is more able than coherent detection in the fading
channels. However, ncy offset will degrade the performance of
the differential Thus, we propose a fast frequency offset
estimator for the signal. The relation between the frequency
offset and the symbol rate performance is developed
analytically. Its performance in Rayleigh fading channel is
also analyzed. Finally, we study the performance of I-Q carrier
recovery the line-of-sight(LOS) digital radios subject to the
impairments multipath fading and intersymbol interference(ISI).
Appears in Collections:Thesis