Title: 利用臭氧與氟化烴溶劑去除水溶液中2,4-二氯酚之研究
The Study on The Removal of 2,4-Dichlorphenol from Aqueous olution by Ozone and Fluorocarbon
Authors: 葉國棟
Gwo-Dong Yeh
Dr.Jong-Nan Chen
Keywords: 臭氧;二相式反應;2,4-二氯酚;田口式直交表法;Ozone;Two-Phase reactoin;2,4-Dichlorphenol;Taguchi-Styled
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 臭氧因其具有強大的氧化能力,而經常被應用於處理生物難以分解的有機
酚的最佳因子組合條件為: 攪拌動力: 1000 rpm, 氣體流率 :800 ml/
min, 臭氧產量: 200 Volt, 氯酚濃度 :100 mg/L,pH 值 :7.5, 離子強
度:0.01M, 溫度:20℃.推定值的有效範圍為(108.93 -67.87)%.同時亦發
基礎.探討其個別的反應動力常數值(Kobs),臭氧需求量(O3 m mole
2,4-DCP m mole),二氧化碳生成量,礦化率及氯離子的生成等.實驗結果指
出:於最佳條件下反應動力常數 Kobs=0.145 1/min,氧化mole 之 2,4-二
氯酚所需的臭氧量為 5.24 m mole,二氧化碳生成量為 34.84mg,礦化率
為 21.5%,氯離子生成率為 88%.
Ozone, due to its powerful oxidation potential, is considered
to be an alternative for the refractory compounds. It has been
limited hower, because of ozone's low solubility in water and
high charge of equipment, so it can't be extensively in
wastewater process. Two-phase ozonation system is a new method
for the removel of organic pollutants from wastewater. This
system consists of a chemical extraction from the aqueous phase
accompanied by oxidation by ozone in both the solvent and
aqueous phase. The experiments performed in this study, were
preliminary investigations into this semibatch system. In this
study a Taguchi Styled design of experiment is selected to
identify the significant factors and establish the optimal
combination of process parameters of the novel method. The
results indicate that the optimal combination represents as
follow: agitated level( 1000 rpm), flow rate of the feed gas(
800 ml/min), ozone production rate( 200 Volt),
2,4-dichlorphenol concentraction( 100 mg/L), pH value( 7.5 ),
Ion strength( 0.01 M), reaction temperature( 20 ℃). However,
it is suggested that at the begin of reaction, the ozone mass-
transfer controlled mechanism is predominant, then we find the
limit rate mechanism that is changed controll by ozone-reaction-
rate . Secondly, under the optimal condition, the pseudo-first
order kinetic rate constant is 0.145 l/min, the dosage of ozone
for the decomposition of 2,4-dichlorphenol is 5.24 m mole O3/m
mole 2,4-dichlorphenol, the mineralization of 2,4-dichlorphenol
is about 21.5% and the production of the chlorine ion is 88%.
Appears in Collections:Thesis