標題: 創業服務-創業投資與企業育成之聚合
The Venture Creation Services-The Convergence of Venture Capital and Business Incubation
作者: 陳世芳
Maxwell S.F. Chen
Benjamin J.C. Yuan
關鍵字: 創業投資;企業育成;創業服務;聚合;紮根理論;Venture capital;Business incubation;Vencreaces;Convergence;Grounded theory
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 儘管創業投資產業與企業育成產業的起源不同,但是在近年來卻有逐漸聚合的趨勢。本研究分析這兩個產業的歷史、演進、現況與未來的發展趨勢,並使用紮根理論的技巧,建立一個系統性的模型-創業服務模型。紮根理論是一種質性的研究方法,主張理論必須紮根在資料之上。創業服務模型可以闡述創投與育成產業的運作現象,並預測未來產業的發展趨勢。創業服務模型的主要成分包含經費來源、組織成立宗旨、組織形式、業務種類、基本營運模式、客戶種類,以及創業服務組織。創業服務組織的業務種類主要包含五種業務:創業投資業務、育成設施業務、育成服務業務、房地產業務與本業業務。創業服務模型可以有很多不同的應用,隨著時代的演進,創業服務的概念也將越來越多元化與豐富;本研究應用此模型,提出創業服務集團的概念,並以SWOT分析,說明其中的利弊得失。創業服務組織需要產、官、學、研的共同努力,所產生的效益將有助於國家的產業發展。
Although the origins of venture capital and business incubation industries were different, there was a convergence of them in the past few years. This research analyzed the histories, evolutions, statuses and future trends of the two industries, and then used Grounded Theory to build a systematic model- The Venture Creation Services Model. Grounded Theory is a qualitative methodology, and theory that was derived from data, systematically gathered and analyzed through the research process. Venture Creation Services Model can explain the operations of venture capital and business industries, and predict the future trends of industries. Venture Creation Services Model includes the source of funding, organizational purposes, organizational forms, activities types, clients’ types, basic business models, and vencreaces organizations. Types of activities are divided into venture capital, incubation facilities, incubation services, real estate, and corebiz activities. There are many applications of our Venture Creation Services Model, and it will be diversified and enriched as time goes by. The concept of Vencreaces Group which was based on the model was proposed and analyzed by SWOT analysis. The Vencreaces Organizations need the collaboration between the private sectors, governments, academia, and research institutions, and it will help the country to develop industries.


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