Title: 多尺寸箱體疊棧之快速排列
A Fast Procedure for Mixed-size Cartons Palletizing
Authors: 黃聖國
Gordon Huang
Franklin Liu, Fuh-Hwa
Keywords: mixed-size cartons;packing;palletization;packaging
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 本研究探討多尺寸箱休依序排列之疊棧問題 (sequential mixed-size cartons pallet packing problem),將多種不同長寬尺寸同高度的長方形箱體 (cartons) 堆疊於單一尺寸規格的長方形棧板 (pallet) 上。主要目的在於可依照既定之堆棧次序(loading sequence) 並保有可接受的堆疊平穩度 (stability) 的情況下,仍能達到近乎最密集之疊棧效果。本研究發展-結合動態規劃 (Dynamic Programming) 與啟發解(heuristics) 的方法,以免除確切解法 (exact solution) 應用上太耗計算時間的限制。
This thesis presents the procedure to palletize a set of same heights cartons with different given sizes on a pallet. The objective is to maximize pallet space utilization without losing the given loading sequence and maintain feasible packing stability. Combining Dynamic Programming and heuristics, the developed procedure solves the palletizing problems with resonable computational time for practical purposes.
Appears in Collections:Thesis