標題: 從壽命週期成本的觀點探討系統最適化問題-以可靠度與維護度是指數分佈為例
Some Discussions on System Optimization Problem from Life Cycle Cost Point of View - An Illustration with the Hypothesis of Exponential Distributed Reliability and Maintainability
作者: 卓長謀
Chou, Chan-Mou
Tai, Chiu-Yung
Perng, Horng-Linn
關鍵字: 壽命週期成本;可靠度;維護度;Life Cycle Cost
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 所謂『壽命週期成本』(life cycle cost) 是指一個系統從構思、設計、製造、銷售、使用一直到系統報廢為止的整個期間所必須負擔的成本。然而,以往國內對於壽命週期成本的研究僅止於探討某一系統壽命週期成本的建立。本文探討系統的壽命週期成本模式,不僅研究其基本觀念與模式架構,同時利用K. K. Govil所發表有關壽命週期成本最適化的相關觀念建立壽命週期成本與可靠度、及維護度之間的函數關係,並對它們之間的最適化問題進行探討。最後再建立一指標供系統設計者在有額外的資源可以運用時,選擇一子系統來進行可靠度及維護度改善而有最大的效果。
"Life Cycle Cost" means the entire period cost of system from concept, development, production, sale, use, until system retirement. However, those past studies on life cycle cost in Taiwan only focused on the establishment of some system. This research pay much attention to life cycle cost models of system, not only exploring the basic concept and model frame of life cycle cost, but establishing the function relationships between life cycle cost, reliability, and maintainability based on the related concept on the optimization of life cycle cost proposed by K. K. Govil, and discussing the optimization between life cycle cost, reliability, and maintainability. This research will also propose a index number for system designer to select a subsystem to improve reliability and maintainability, when the extra cost budget he can utilize, and then get the most effectiveness.
Appears in Collections:Thesis