標題: 以連遞式無人搬運車系統為基礎之群組佈置模式
A GT Layout Model for Tandem AGV - BasedSystem
作者: 郭怡中
Kuo, Yei-Chung
Lee, Ching-En
關鍵字: 單元製造;群組技術;設施規劃;共用機器;連遞式無人搬運系統;cellular manufacturing;group technology;layout;shared machine;tandem AGV system
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 在市場結構更新且複雜的今天,利用群組技術把大生產系統分解成數個小系統,以簡化其生產、物料運輸問題,並且透過對這些小系統的詳細設計、仔細規劃及精確控制,將其整合成自動化的彈性生產工廠,是應付日趨複雜的產品需求及激烈競爭環境的解決方法。 一個生產系統效率之高低和設施規劃的完善與否有關,同時亦與其物料搬運系統之良莠有絕對的關係。但是過去的設施佈置模式對於物料搬運系統的忽視以及相關的物料搬運距離的不當假設,使研究環境與實際系統的一致性降低,同時也使得設施佈置模式的實用性大減。 本研究在單元製造系統的設施佈置過程中,以預先決定物料搬運設備為連遞式無人搬運車系統的方式,將物料搬運的實際距離應用到設施規劃的目標評估上,使發展出的設施佈置模式能合理的考量物料搬運系統,進而提高模式之實用性與正確性;另外在單元製造系統的佈置過程中,以單元共用機器的方式來減少跨單元物流對生產系統的影響;最後在單元製造系統的佈置時,提出單元間相似相關係數為佈置指標以增加單元製造系的系統設置彈性。
In recent years, cellular manufacturing (CM) has gained a paramount popularity in both academic researches and industrial applications. To successfully implement a cellular manufacturing system (CMS), group technology (GT) for cell formation which groups parts with similar design and manufacturing features into part families and clusters the corresponding machines into cells becomes the first and one of the most important planning issues. The next step is to properly lay out machines as well as cells onto the shop floor. There are a hack of research papers dealing with the cell formation problems. Few focus on the cell layout issues. In most traditional layout design algorithms, the material handling system is usually not considered until the system has been laid out. However, an unrealistic assumption of machine distance employed in the layout process might be very different from the one in the real world environment after a material handling systems is selected. The assumption may cause the so called "optimal" layout turn out to be a terrible design. In this research, a rigorous procedure is presented to lay out a CMS whose material handling system is a tandem automated guided vehicle (AGV) system for which is very suitable for CMSs. This layout procedure not only can calculate the flow distances correctly but also properly determine the locations of shared machines as well as corresponding transfer stations among cells so that the total intra- and inter-cell flow distances can be minimized. To increase layout flexibility, a index for determining cell closeness is also incorporated. This proposed procedure is more realistic and practical to the real world problem solving.
Appears in Collections:Thesis