標題: 一個多媒體資料庫之查詢語言
NQL-A Query Language For Multimedia Database
作者: 高淑珍
Kau, Shu-Chen
Tseng, C.R.
Yu, Kei-Chiang
關鍵字: 查詢語言;多媒體資料庫
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 由於多媒體資訊系統的日益普及,加上資料庫管理傳統資料的成功經驗,於是利用資料庫的觀念來管理這些多媒體的資料也逐漸被接受。至於多媒體查詢語言則因為扮演了資料庫使用者之間介面的角色,所以如何設計這個查詢語言,使它能滿足使用者查詢多媒體資料庫的需求也就越顯重要了。本篇論文的重點即是針對多媒體的查詢需求而設計一套多體體查詢語言-Multimei da Query Language (MQL) 。 為了善用多媒體資料的特性,MQL採用物件導向的觀念來建構它的資料模式。這個資料模式除了可以表達繼承和產生個體的概念之外,還可以表達出組合和替換的觀念。利用這些表達的概念符號,使用者可以很容易的建立多媒體應用系統和多媒體的基本資料形態兩種網目。所謂多媒體應用系統可能是多媒體文件系統,或是多媒體展示系統之類的應用系統,其資料網目是描述整個系統中資料的組合情形。而多媒體的基本資料形態則泛指各種媒體的種類,例如:影像,聲音等等,有關於這些基本資料的網目都是描述與媒體能有關之特性,到於由這些類別所衍生出來的媒體資料物件都將被應用系統所共用。此外,為了達到一致性,本資料模式對於多媒體應有系統和多媒體基本資料形態所提供的資料表達方式都是一樣的。 除了提供資料模式之外,MQL也提供了資料定義語言和資料擷取語言以幫助使用者定義和操作資料庫中多媒體的資料。其中資料定義語言是採用類似C++(C++-like)的語法,而資料擷取語言則是採用類似的結構化查詢語言(SOL-like)的語法。這樣的查詢語言滿足了以下的查詢需求:(1)多媒體替換資料的查詢,(2)歷史版本資料的查詢,(3)可直接操作多媒體的行為,(4)可安排多媒體資料呈現的順序,(5)可針對多媒體資料的特徵作查詢,(6)複合性的物件查詢,(7)巢狀的查詢,以上MQL所提供的查詢功能都是以多媒體查詢語言的需求為主所設計出來的。 為了確定MQL在查詢方面的價值,本篇論文還以多媒體查詢的需求作為評估的標準,將一些已被發表的多媒體查詢語言和MQL作一番比較,其結果顯示MQL所提供的功能的確比其他的查詢語言更能符合使用者的需求。此外,為了驗證MQL的可行性,本研究也根據MQL的設計結果實作了一個雛形系統。經過如此完整的設計和考量,相信MQL將提供多媒體資料庫使用者一個更具彈性,更符合查詢需求的資料庫介面。
With the popularity of multmedia information systems and the success of database for managing the traditional data, it is natural to manage complex data by multimedia database. A multimedia query language undertakes the duty of communication among multimedia database and users. Consequently, the design of a query language that satifies most of the requirements of multimedia applications becomes an important topic. The purpose of this thesis is to propose a query language, called MQL, for specifying and manipulating various types of multimedia information effciently. The data model, describing the data used in multimedia applications and varies media data types, is based on the object-oriented paradigm. It doesn't only generalize the notion of instantiation and generalization, but also augments the notion of aggregation and alternativeness that are specialized for a multimedia environment. With this data model, users can easily establish the schema of multimedia application systems and various multimedia data types. As to the multimedia application system, such as multimedia document system, the data model describes the data components of the schema. On the other hand, the multimedia data types, such as image, that derive the multimedia data object shared by all the multimedia applications are also described by this data model. For consistence, the way to describe the multimedia application and multimedia data type is the same. The query language, MQL, consists of a data definition language (DDL) and a data manipulation languge (DML). The syntax for DDL is C++-like and that for DML is SQL-like. The functions that MQL provides includes: (1)query about the alternative multimedia data, (2)historical version query, (3)invoke the operation of multimedia data, (4)indicate the sequence of presentation, (5)the pattern match of multimedia descriptor, (6)complex object query, (7)nested query. The above functions exactly match the requirements of most multimedia application. In addition, this thesis takes the seven requirements of multimedia applications as criteria to evaluate the existing multimedia query languages and MQL. The result shows that MQL is better than others. Moreover, a prototype system is also implemented to show the practicability of MQL. Conseoquently, MQL offers users a more powerful data access mechanism for multimedia applications.