標題: 台灣地區教育與研究網路整體規劃之研究
A Study On Planning An Education And Research Network In Taiwan
作者: 劉金和
Liu, Jin-Ho
Lo, Chi-Chun
Tseng, Shian-Shyong
關鍵字: 網路規劃;校園網路;學術網路;教育與研究網路
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 在資訊化的社會中,電腦綱路就如同運河、鐵路、高速公路、電力供應綱等系統對一個國家工商業發展一樣,是有非常深遠的影響力。因此,各先進國家這幾年來競相提出各項法案、計劃來致力建設,以期能提升國力和競爭力。而電腦綱路之規劃建置,係一資源分配問題,如何適時適地配合各項因素,規劃建置一較佳之綱路架構,是一個值是探討之課題。 本研究蒐集彙整國內外綱路規劃建置之相關資料,指出現存之問題,並研擬出一套綱路規劃之雛形模式,歸納整理出大型資訊綱路規劃所需考量之因素,計有應用需求、綱路技術與設施、資訊化成熟度、經費與成本效益、法規制度之配合等,並探討我國目前教育與研究相關環境,作一比較分析;提出我國教育與研究綱路之整體架構與管理運作方式,以國家骨幹綱路、地區性綱路及校園綱路建立結構化綱路,並配合區域綱路中心、縣系綱路中心與各學校電算中心作一分工,以使整個綱路之管理運作順暢;同時研擬教育與研究綱路推動之短中長期執行策略,並作一比較評估分析其效益,以供相關單位參考規劃執行。
In a computerized society, computer networks, as well as the canal, railroad, highway and electric power supply operating systems, has tremendous effects on its industrial developments to a country. In these past few years, all the developed countries make efforts to propose their plans and projects for establishing public services to upgrade their competitive capabilites. However, deploying a computer networks is a very important issue -- the resources distribution. Therefore, how to coordinate all the factors properly while deploying a better networking infrastructure deserves an in-depth discussion. This thesis aggregates related information research materials on the deployment plans from domestic and international computer networks. It points out the already-existed problems and provides a basic model of planning a network. Also, it extracts influential factors on planning a large information network, such as the application requirements, network techniques and equipments, the maturity of computerization, cost evaluations and performance assessments, law and policy, etc. Finally, it analyzes and compares the current education and research network, which is based on the national backbone, regional networks and capus networks. It suggest that all local centers, including in counties and cities, and computer centers in different levels of schools should cooperate with one another in order to make the entire network operating smoothly. Moreover, this study brings out short, middle, and long-term executing strategies for promoting the education and research network; also, it provides comparisons, evaluations and analyses of the advanteges and disadvantages as a direct reference for related organizations and institutions on planning their own network.