Title: 物件導向繪圖系統:引入使用者介面管理技術
An object-oriented graphics system adopting user interface management techniqueszen
Authors: 許銀雄
Xu, Yin-Xiong
Guo, Yu-Shen
Zhong, Qian-Gui
Keywords: 物件導向;繪圖系統;使用者介面;資訊;電腦;電子工程;物件導向繪圖系統;視窗系統;使用者介面管理系統;object-oriented;graphics system;user interface;INFORMATION;COMPUTER;ELECTRONIC-ENGINEERING;Graphics System;Object-Oriented Graphics System;Window System;User Interface Management System;INFORMATION-SCIENCE
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 發展圖形應用程式通常包含三件事:產生一個圖形輸出模型,提供一些圖
術,HAGI這一個物件導向繪圖系統提供下列特性: 1. 作為一個物件導
向繪圖系統,它除了提供一般結構化繪圖系統如GKS 的功能外,並提供表
示圖形模型的強大能力。 2. 提供了一個維繫應用與圖形相依關係的機
楚地分開。 3. 圖形輸入是利用邏輯交談器 (logical interactors)來
處理,而邏輯交談器是結合了邏輯輸入裝置 (logical input devices)
和使用者介面交談物件 (interaction objects) 的觀念,因此它提供更
Graphics programming typically consists of three tasks:
creating a graphical output model, providing graphical input
mechanisms, and maintaining a dependency relationship between
the graphics and the application. Today, there are two classes
of systems addressing the same domain of managing graphical
output and input: graphics systems and user interface tools.
Graphics systems typically support a powerful graphics output
modeling capability, but provide limited graphical input
mechanisms and leave the application/graphics dependency
maintenance to application programs. User interface tools, on
the other hand, provide powerful and flexible input mechanisms
and sometimes an application/user interface dependency
maintenance mechanism, but have relatively weak graphics output
modeling capability. By adopting the techniques of input
handling and dependency maintenance from user interface tools,
HAGI is an object-oriented graphics system being able to
support the following features: 1. Being an object-oriented
graphics system, it supports a powerful graphics modeling
capability in addition to facilities that structured graphics
systems such as GKS usually have. 2. A mechanism for
maintaining the application/graphics dependency relationship is
provided. With this mechanism, the application code and the
graphics code of a graphics application are clearly separated.
3. Graphical input is handled by logical interactors, a blend
of the concepts of logical input device and interaction object.
Logical interactors provide great flexibility and extensibility
for constructing highly interactive graphical user interfaces.
Appears in Collections:Thesis