標題: 高速公路車輛起迄調查與推估方法之研究
Trip Origin-Destination Matrix Survey And Estimation Of Superhighway
作者: 游政雄
Cheng Shung Yu
Hsun Jung Cho
關鍵字: 高速公路;起迄調查;起迄推估;superhighway; O-D survey;O-D estimation
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 高速公路車輛起迄表是高速公路規劃、設計的主要參考依據,而傳統得到 此資訊的方法,有:路邊訪問、車輛牌照登錄、郵卡問卷、電話訪問等方 法。但這些方法之資料收集過程各有其困難,資料的精確度也不同,更重 要者是這些調查方法之功能亦不相同。本研究首先針對傳統各起迄調查方 法進行理論分析,亦即就高速公路之起迄特性,探討應該採用何種調查較 佳及面臨的問題為何?其次就較適合高速公路起迄調查之車輛牌照登錄法 中的攝影、錄音及人工抄錄三種方式進行實作分析,透過實際調查一方面 將三種調查方式(攝影、錄音、人工抄錄)所遭遇到的困難及問題列出, 另一方面也就高速公路匝道形式及匝道交通量等不同狀況,應該採用哪一 種調查方式較佳作成建議,以供未來應用之參考。另外,本研究亦對以路 段資訊反推高速公路起迄表之可行性進行研究探討,構建以路段資訊推估 高速公路旅次起迄分佈矩陣之模式,並以本研究調查之資料進行測試,以 暸解模式之可行性,希望藉此避免傳統調查方法之困難又可求得高速公路 車輛起迄表。 Origin-Destination(O-D) table is an important data in superhighway transportation planning. Conventional method such as home interview surveys and road-side interviews, to obtaining origin-destination(O-D) trip data, but these methods have difficults and problems in real survey. First, this reserch is aimed at theoretical analysis of conventional survey method, that is to say superhighway should use which method to better and what problem should be face with? Secondly, use vehicle-licence-mount method to survey trip origin-destination table of superhighway. By way of real survey, one side list all difficultics and problems of three survey way (photograph, sound recording, artificial transcible). Another, different ramp form and ramp flow should use which survey way to better? This study make a recommend to provide furture reference of application. Another, this reserch provides a comprehensive review of methods for estimating superhighway trip matrices and present some methods for estimating superhighway origin-destination trip matrices from traffic counts. Survey datas are used to evaluate the applicabilities of some O-D estimation models developed in this study.