Title: 互動電視潛在採用族群之消費行為探討
A Study For The Potential Adoption Group' Consumption Behavior Of Interactive Television
Authors: 周開發
K. F. Chou
S. H. Hsu
Keywords: 互動電視;潛在採用族群;Interactive Television;Potential Adoption Group
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 在先進國家(如美國)朝著消費者需求為導巷向的雙向互動電視前進之時, 我們可以預見的是,有線電視的雙向互動電視的時代,在不久的將來即將到 來。而了解消費者的需求是互動電視發展的重要課題之一。Von Hipple & Hertatt(1992)認為:將使用者導向的觀念,與產品發展的過程結合,可以 幫助產品創新的成功性。而Von Hipple & Hertatt(1992)提出要了解新產 品或服務之需求,通常是從具有高創用性(innovativeness)的人身上得來 。這群人被定義為潛在採用族群。因此,在發展互動電視之前,必須先指出 互動電視潛在採用族群,加以分析探討其特性及意涵,才能讓互動電視成功 的擴散。本研究之主要目的有二:(1)探討互動電視潛在採用族群之人口計 測、生活型態、 對互動電視服務之需求、類似產品之使用經驗,與非互動 電視潛在採用族群之差異;(2)分析互動電視核心服務潛在採用族群之特 色,以做為互動電視發展之基礎。一千兩百份問卷先依台灣都會區人口比 例,再按年齡、職業別分層抽樣(stratified sampling)發送給受訪者。回 收之有效樣本共975份。 發現潛在採用族群之特性:潛在採用族群本身年 齡較輕,學歷背景較高,居住區域大多集中於北中部地區,本身社經地位較 高或來自這類家庭。開朗活潑,對於新奇事物有濃厚的興趣,對高科技產品 有正面的態度;且受訪者在互動式、娛樂式、和交易式產品的經驗可用於 預測是否屬於互動電視服務之潛在採用族群。 User-centered development process is an effective method leading to marketing success. In the planning stage of user- centered development process, effort is spent on identifying potential users, knowing their characteristics and needs. Based on this information, the new product of this research is to identify potential user groups of each service to be provided by Interactive Television and debelop a valid scheme to characterize them. A questionnaire was developed. It contained questions regarding demographic, life activities, experiences with consumer electronic products, usage of infirmation, as well as their interest in each Interactive Television service.1200 questionnaires were distributed to respondents living in five metropolitan areas on Taiwan, according to the population composition. 975 valid questionnaires were received. Factor analysis, discrimenant analysis and multiple regressions were conducted to identify descriptor of profile of each potential user group. The result can serve as the basis for planning and marketing each Interactive Television services.
Appears in Collections:Thesis