Title: 花卉批發市場的資訊系統再工程
Reengineering of Information System for Flower Wholesale Markets
Authors: 謝博文
Powen Hsieh
Gau-Rong Liang
Keywords: 再工程;物訊圖;IDEF1X技術;關聯式資料庫;二維條碼;Reengineering;MI Diagrams;IDEF1X;RDBM;2-D Barcode
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 本研究利用物訊圖來分析原有的資訊系統,並且提出藉著二維條碼及 IDEF1X等資訊技術的使用來改善舊有的資訊系統。一般而言,資訊系統的 再工程首先需要利用物訊圖來分析舊有的系統,接著關連式資料庫中表格 所需具備的屬性便可從物訊圖中的資訊流而得。而這些資料庫中所需的表 格是以IDEF1X表示,以這種表示法可轉換成建立關連式資料庫所需的 SQL 指令。本文所採用的二維條碼在網路連不上資料庫的情況使用二維條碼相 當適合,此外IDEF1X與二維條碼技術的使用可構建了一個新的資訊系統。 最後本研究將以台北濱江花卉批發市場為例,來做此方法論的個案探討與 實例。 A new design methodology has been developed for reengineering an information system using MI diagrams, IDEF1 X, and 2-D barcode. Generally a given information system is initially analyzed through material and information flows of MI diagrams. Then attributes of base tables of relational database are found from the information flows. Also all the base tables are represented by IDEF1X which is translated into SQL instructions later. Also 2-D barcodes are used for the places where the database can not reach . Both IDEF1X and 2-D barcode technologies construct a new information system. Also this new approach is proposed to reengineer a future information system for Taipei Flowers Auction Co., Ltd.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文