標題: 中正國際機場出境旅客特性與到達型態之研究
Departure Passenger's Characteristics and Arrival Pattern at C. K.S International Airport
作者: 鄭銘章
Ming-Chang Cheng
Jinn-Tsai Wong
關鍵字: 出境旅客特性、到達型態、預計到達時間;departure passenger's characteristics、arrival pattern、 estimated arrival time
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 航空站旅客作業系統係由一連串的相關子系統組合而成.以本研究之出境 旅客作業而言,依序可分為航空公司櫃台報到、行李托運、出境證照查驗 、安全檢查、及候機室登機作業等五大項,各項作業間具有先後順序之關 係,其中首項作業即為航空公司櫃台報到,因此旅客到達型態於機場出境作 業中扮演其關鍵性之角色.旅客到達型態乃由旅客到達機場時間所構成,而 旅客實際到達機場時間是由預計到達時間與其估計誤差組合而成,前者是 可以由個人依班機起飛時間及個人偏好以及其他影響因素作自主性的決 定,而後者則主要受到地面交通狀況及其他各項不確定性因素之影響,因此 若能提高聯外運輸系統之可靠度,則旅客預計到達時間會更接近其實際到 達之時間. Passenger operation system at an airport consists of a series related subsystems.In the case of departure passenger's operation,it can be divided into five parts:checkin、baggage handling、Immigration、security check、and boarding.Of this in sequence process,checkin operation is the first one to be complated.Therefore,passenger arrival pattern can play a critical role in outgoing passenger processing. The pattern of passenger arrival is mainly affected by the actual time of passenger arrival.The actual time of a passenger to arrival airport consists of estimated arriving time and error of the estimation.The former could be decided on will,based on the flight departure time,personal preference,and other related factors.The later,however,is affected by various uncertain factors such as traffic condition on access road. Consequently, if the reliability of an airport access system can be enhanced, the passenger's estimated arriving time will be closer to actual arriving time.