Title: 專案推移模式之建構及應用-以台灣武器策略為例
Developing a Project Advancement Model for Weapon System Policy
Authors: 陳仁帥
Keywords: 武器系統;獲得策略;專案推移理論;多重專案環境;資源配置;weapon system;acquisition policy;project advancement;multi-project environment;resources allocation
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 摘要
本研究應用專案推移理論(Project Advancement, PA)建構研發資源配置模型,在「專案為基礎之資源配置與(或)移轉(PBRAT)」前提下,分別以集中化序列推進策略(CSAS)與型2混合推進策略(Type II MAS)為資源配置策略,並就研發專案多重水準(Multi-level)與研發時程多個階段(Multi-period)為考量,運用0-1線性規劃、目標規劃與效用理論,建構不同配置策略下之研發預算配置模型,並發展求解演算法。研究個案分析國防科技研發資源配置模式與武器系統獲得政策為目標,在資源限制與多重專案環境下執行研發計畫,以提升國防科技能力策略推行。
In this research, the theory of Project Advancement (PA) was used to construct the R&D military technology resources allocation model. It is based on the “project-based resource allocation and/or transfer (PBRAT) policy”, using project resource allocation strategy of “Centralized Sequential Advancement Strategy (CSAS)” and “Type II mixed advancement strategy (Type II MAS)”, and also applied 0-1 Linear Programming, Goal Programming and Utility Theory to construct models under the conditions of not only for multi-project environment but for multi-level and multi-period assessment.
Project Advancement (PA) integrated the decision analysis and resource programming. The connotation of PA consists of seven steps. The 7 steps are to confirm the fundamental objective, decide the necessary projects and projects’ goal, identify value-perspective objectives, differentiate the time-lengths and modes of value-base time limit, evaluate a reasonable project entry strategy, evaluate a suitable project advancement strategy, formulate the resource-allocation and/or transfer model, to find an effective solution procedure. In addition to constructing the R&D models of military technology by PA, this research also compares the present situations and polices of five nations, and analyzes to obtain impact factors of weapon system acquisition. Furthermore, the likely bottlenecks the acquisition policy of Taiwan were investigated, and recommendations regarding acquisition policy were made.
PA model, thus developed, provided a complete model to construct the decision analysis and resource allocation for formulating strategies and implementing tasks. Results show that, the R&D military technology resources allocation model can maximize the objective achievement under limited resources and time, and multi-project environment. Not only will PA be utilized to resolve the problem of resources allocation and using priority, it also emphasizes identification of the fundamental objectives.
Appears in Collections:Thesis