標題: Fresnel 及 Binary 非傳統透鏡陣列光學元件的設計製作技術研究
Design and Fabrication of Contemporary Binary-Fresnel Microlens
作者: 謝章仁
Chang-Jen Shieh
Han-Ping Shieh
關鍵字: 微型透鏡;二元式;波帶片;光效率;Microlens;Binary;Zone Plate;Optical Efficiency
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 二元式Fresnel微型透鏡具有厚度薄、重量輕,高光效率、良好的聚焦效 果及良好的重製性,在光學、光機電、光通訊、光計算系統上有很多用途 。二元式Fresnel微型透鏡因其結構簡單,可以利用半導體製程技術製作 ,並很容易製成二元式微型透鏡陣列,以簡易且精確的壓模技術複製,故 可大量生產,使成本大為降低。為了評估二元式微型透鏡能有良好使用效 果,本論文中二元式 Fresnel微型透鏡的探討,主要以液晶投影電視系統 為載具,增大其透光率為目的,並進行光學模擬、元件設計、製程製作及 成品的量測,最後進行誤差分析與排除,以使其達到更佳成果。已製作出 三組不同規格的微型透鏡組合,經由量測得知,可以提昇光效率達一倍以 上,應可強化液晶投影電視的整體光學效率。這設計製作技術的建立可以 廣泛使用到不同光學系統上,提昇光的效率或光學系統的功能。 The binary-Frensnel microlens, characterized by its thinness, lightness, high optical efficiency, good focusing and reproduc- ibility, are very attractive in applying in optics,opto- electro- mechanical, optical communications and optical computing systems. Since the simple structure of such binary- Fresnel microlens can be manufactured by semiconductor processing technology and can be easily put into array, they can therefore be mass-produced cost effectively. To increase the transmittance of the LC projection TV system by using microlens is the design gaol of this thesis, and the LC projection TV is chosen as a vechile. To achieve high quality of binary-Fresnel microlens, we proceed with our optical simulation, design of the elements, devices fabrication, measurement of the microlens, and analyses of the results. Error analysis is pres- ented to assess the issues in design, fabrication, and function- ality of the microlens. Three sets of microlens have been made on 6" plastic substrates and we find their optical efficiency thus improved is as much as a factor of two than without micro- lens. These elements are expected to increase optical efficiency of the LC projection TV and be utilized widely in other optical systems, as well.