標題: 新的數值方法分析分佈反饋半導體雷射在有空間燒洞效應的狀況下之連續波特性
A New Numerical Simulation Method For The CW Characteristics of DFB Laser in The Above Threshold Condition by Taking The Spa- tial Hole Burning Effect Into Account
作者: 章炯煜
Jeong-Yuh Chang
Wei Hsin
關鍵字: 分佈反饋半導體雷射;空間燒洞效應;起振電流;The distributed feedback semiconductor laser;The spatial hole burning;threshold current
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 近年來,半導體雷射在通信系統中扮演著非常重要的角色。為滿足寬頻整
體服務數位網路(BISDN)的要求,半導體雷射須具備以下特性(1) 低的起
振電流 (2) 高速調變速率 (3) 可調波長 (4) 高輸出功率 ... 等。而其
Complex-Coupled DFB 雷射結構為基礎,加入空間燒洞效應的影響,模擬
Semiconductor lasers play an important role in communication
system. Semiconductor lasers must have the following character-
istics to satisfy the requirements set by BISDN (Broad Inte-
grated Services Digital Network) :(1) low threshold current,(2)
large modulation bandwidth, (3) tunable wavelength, (4) high
output power, ......and so on. One of the best choice is the
distributed feedback (DFB) semiconductor laser. Till now, there
are no complete and suitable model to describe it. This thesis
will study a numerical simulation method for the CW characte-
ristics of DFB semiconductor lasers in the above threshold con-
dition by taking the spatial hole burning (SHB) and gain satu-
ration effect into account.