Title: 雷射蒸鍍摻硫化鎘奈米微晶玻璃薄膜之研究
Properties of CdS nanocrystallite doped glass thin films grown by pulsed laser evaporation
Authors: 張宜群
I-Chun Chang
Dr. Wen-Feng Hsieh
Keywords: 雷射蒸鍍;奈米微晶玻璃薄膜;Pulsed laser evaporation;nanocrystallite doped glass thin film
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 我們利用Q-開關Nd:YAG光波長1.064um脈衝雷射,蒸鍍用溶膠凝膠法製成的 硫化鎘玻璃靶材於矽晶片上.由X-ray繞射可決定薄膜結構和顆粒大小,電 子顯微鏡的分析可看出樣品表面的細部結構並可確定微晶顆粒大小約 為400埃,拉曼和螢光光譜則可看出有微晶生成和量子侷限效應所造成的藍 位移,且其峰值會隨著微晶顆粒大小而有位移的現象.而成份分析顯示樣品 中硫和鎘的原子比為2:1與螢光光譜峰值的出現相吻合. CdS doped glass thin films were deposited by pulsed laser evaporation from CdS doped glass targets on silicon wafers. The targets were prepared by sol-gel method, using colloid chemical techniques . The fine structure of determined to be about 400A which is also conformed by XRD. The Raman and Photoluminescence spectra of the grown microcrystallites are shifted due to quantum size effects. The constituent analysis shows the ratio of atom's S and Cd is 2:1.
Appears in Collections:Thesis