Title: 克爾透鏡鎖模雷射虛光闌強度的數值研究
Numerical stydies on soft aperturing strength of Kerr lens mode locked lasers
Authors: 徐昇宏
Sheng-Hung Hsu
Dr. Wen-Feng Hsieh
Keywords: 克爾透鏡;虛光闌;Kerr lens;soft aperturing
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 我們應用ABCD矩陣數值分析來探討在不同的曲面鏡距離下,增益導引對輸
現最大差動增益位於穩定區中間,約為3.3*10^-8 W^-1,其大小遠不及於自
In this thesis, we have include gain guiding effect in gain
medium and applied ABCD matrix formulism for a Kerr-lens mode-
locking laser cavity to numberically caculate the output beam
spot size,output power and small signal gain in different
curved mirror separation. the total gain changes as a result of
redistribution of cavity mode inside the gain medium due to
self-focusing effect by hig intensity optical pulses. futher
caculation of the differential gain between the initial spikes
resulting form mode beating and steady-state continous wave in
different curved mirror separation confirms that the most easy
mode locking condition is located in the center of stable range
where has the maxium differential gain 3.3*10^-8 W^-1. This
value is much less than that of self-start condition.
Appears in Collections:Thesis