標題: 老年人生活型態與圖書消費行為之研究
Study of elderly peoples life-style and books consumption behavior in Taiwan.
作者: 張鍊生
Lien-sheng Chang
Shih-min Chen
關鍵字: 行銷;生活型態;老人;圖書;消費行為;Marketing;Life-style;Elderly people;book;consumer behavior
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 本研究旨在探究老年人的圖書消費行為,以生活型態作為區隔之變數,並 根據麥卡錫(Mc Cathy)所提之行銷組合-4Ps,去發展成為 7項變數,分別 對 7項變數進行分析,並提出行銷之建議。以因素分析萃取出具有解釋變 異量之12個因素,經集群分析獲得 4 群不同生活型態之老人集群,並以 區別分析驗證其是為有效之區隔。再分別採用卡方檢定、ANOVA變異數分 析、SHEFFE 事後檢定,發現在 95%的信賴區間下,4 群在性別上沒有顯 著差異,而在年齡、婚姻狀況、教育程度、每月可支配金額、退休前或目 前從事之行業等, 5項人口統計變數上有顯著差異。而在圖書消費行為方 面,4 群在閱讀情形、購買金額、產品屬性、通路型態、電視「銀髮族」 節目、廣播「書訊」節目,有顯著差異;而在廣播「銀髮族」節目、電視 「書訊」節目上,沒有顯著差異。並且,在決策影響上有顯著差異。 The purpose of this study is to look into books consum- ption and patterns of elderly people in Taiwan. This research is conducted using Life-style as segment variable, and using the McCathy's Marketing-mix 4Ps to develop 7 selected variables. By doing so the 7 variables can be isolated and examined completely to determine how they affect the segmented group. In the final stage, a number of marketing suggestion will be given for future reference. After precise Factor analysis, subsequently, 12 powerful explained variance factors have been selected. Through Cluster analysis , 4 different groups of Life- style have obtained. After Discriminant analysis , have been also confirmed that they are valid segmentation. Test methodology consists of adopting the following research tools : Chi-square analysis , ANOVA variables analysis and Sheffe's post hoc test. Under 95% confidence interval , the result implies that the variable of sex does not significant different in those 4 groups, while other variables of age, marriage, education, occupation and spending money per month does have significant difference existing. These variables of books consumption, reading situation, purchasing amount, product attributes, products puechasing channels, Tv programs targeting elderly people, radoi programs regarding book information, exhibit signicant difference. Regarding radio programs targeting elderly people and Tv programs regarding book information, on the other hand , these variables exhibit not significant difference. Nevertheless, they do contribute significant influence over decision making activity.
Appears in Collections:Thesis