Title: 利用模數運算來對視訊資料庫作類似查詢
Similarity Retrieval on Video Database Based upon Module Operation
Authors: 黃立文
Huang, Lee-Wen
Lo, Chi-Chun
Keywords: 視訊資料庫;三重因子;雜湊表;類似查詢;模數運算;video database;triple;hash table;similarity retrieval; modual operation
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 在本篇論文中,我們提出一個從視訊資料庫中擷取某特定視訊資料的方 法 -- 利用視訊資料中物件的時間關係。我們將視訊資料或查詢資料轉為 一組有序的三重因子 (Oi,Oj,Rij) 所成的集合,其中 Oi以及 Oj 是指物 件,而 Rij 則代表 Oi 以及 Oj 間的時間關係。然後為視訊資料庫中視 訊資料的三重因子建構一個雜湊表,每一個三重因子會被分配到一個質數 。所以,每一個視訊資料可轉換成一個正整數 Pi 。查詢資料可藉由已建 構好的雜湊表得到相關的三重因子的值,而轉為一正整數 Pq。經由查詢 資料所得的結果即是 Pi/Pq 餘數等於零的視訊資料所成的集合。最後, 我們利用前述所提出的方法實作此一視訊資料庫查詢系統,而從系統執行 結果中,我們可以看到隨著資料庫記錄的增加,查詢的時間是呈現線性的 成長。 In this thesis, we propose a method of retrieving videos from thevideo database based upon the temporal relationship among the videos. We transform each video(query) into a set of ordered triples, (Oi,Oj,Rij)s, where Oi and Oj are two symbol objects and Rij is the temporal relationship between Oi and Oj. Then, we construct a hashing table for all the triples corresponding to the videos in the video database. Every ordered triple is assigned a prime number. So, each video Vi can be transformed into a positive integer value Pi. A query can be transformed into a positive integer value Pq via the preconstructed hashing table. The answer to a query is a collection of videos such that their corresponding Pi's can be divided by Pq, i.e., the remainder of Pi/Pq is equal to 0. A video database query system is built based upon the proposed method. From computation results, we notice that the query time increases linearly as the size of the video database grows.
Appears in Collections:Thesis