Title: 用二維C型樹做視訊資料索引與相似擷取
Video Data Indexing and Similarity Retrieval Based on 2D C-Trees
Authors: 許芳榮
Xu, Fang-Rong
Li, Su-Ying
Keywords: 二維C型樹;二維串列;視訊索引;相似擷取;視訊資料庫;空間關係;擷取;視訊資料索引結構;二維C 型樹;資訊;電腦科學;2D C-trees;2D string;video indexing;similarity retrieval;video databases;spatial relation;Indexing;Retrieval;Video data;Video data indexing;Spatial relationships;INFORAMTION;COMPUTER-SCIENCE
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: Video data contains a large amount of spatial and temporal
information.A video information system must be provided to
manage a variety ofinformation in video data, including stoing
video data, maintainingvideo indices, processing video query and
retrieving video information.Chang et. al. had proposed an
effective 2D string approach for spatialindexing of image data.
In this dissertation, we extend this iconicapproach and apply it
to video data indexing. We investigate a new knowledgemodel, 2D
C-tree, to characterize the spatial information of video
content.Not only does the new representation keep the whole
spatial relationshipsamong objects in an original image, but the
ordered labeled tree is moresuitable for spatial reasoning and
image retrieval.The indexing technique represents the spatial
content within individualframes and an ordering set of 2D C-
trees for a video sequence is constructed.The ordering set of 2D
C-trees then becomes the representative indexing of avideo
sequence. The similarity retrieval of video matching problem
becomesthe problem of video sequence matching by computing the
similarity, or theminimum cost of matched frames. A prototype
video information system is alsodeveloped to validate the
effectiveness of video data indexing and similarityretrieval
based on 2D C-trees.
Appears in Collections:Thesis