標題: 回應顧客需求之物流中心動態資源指派系統之建立
Demand-Responsive Dynamic Logistics Resource Allocation System in the Logistical Center
作者: 曾信陽
Thin-Yang Tzeng
Jiuh-Biing Sheu
關鍵字: 模糊聚類;模糊排序;最適化指派;動態演算;fuzzy clustering;fuzzy ranking;optimal assignment;dynamic programming
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 隨著時代的不同,人類所面對著的課題也跟著變化,在現今快速變化、全球競爭的時代,人類經濟活動的型態從重視銷售的時代逐漸演變為重視客服的時代,由於顧客需求的型態轉變為少量化、多樣化、個性化的影響,因此企業必須透過系統整合的力量,將輸送、包裝、保管、裝卸、流通加工、資訊處理等物流的機能加以整合,以有效提高物流的效率、降低物流的成本,並滿足客戶少量多樣高頻度配送的需求,讓公司能有更高的經營績效。 研究透過系統指派的方式,將特定時間內所收到的顧客訂單利用定性與模糊聚類的觀念作一個分類的動作,隨後再以模糊排序的方法將各顧客群組訂單給定處理優先順序,依序將群組訂單利用階層式最適化指派方式,將商品指派到容器,容器再指派到運具。由於模式在每次顧客訂單處理的結果不盡相同,造成階層式最適化指派的次數也會有所差異,連帶影響了各項資源包括容器與運具回到物流中心的機率,使P值呈現動態變化的情況,也造成系統可運用資源的限制式呈現動態變化的情況。 根據測試結果顯示,本研究模式可將系統可運用資源作一最適化的指派,並透過系統動態演算,預測系統可運用資源在每一時階的變化,在正式派車提供輸配送服務前,讓公司可以預期本次運送所花的資源、成本等相關資訊,提供業者在營運上的相關決策資訊。
Customer-driven logistical distribution plays a key role in the operations of business logistics. This is shown in the fact that the operations of demand chain management have contributed greatly to the high improvements in logistical system performance in numerous logistical companies. In order to enhance logistical efficiency, logistical companies must coordinate their logistical functions, e.g., distribution, packing, storage, loading, information management…etc. The methodology proposed in this study is founded on the basis of the following procedures, including: (1) specification of demand attributes, (2) fuzzy clustering, (3) fuzzy ranking, and (4) hierarchical optimal assignment. In addition, considering that different resources and tasks can be assigned at each iteration, the proposed method uses dynamic programming on resource assignment to deal with the changes of systematical resources. The numerical results show that the model helps logistics systems make optimal assignments on resource allocation. Using the proposed dynamic programming model, the variance of the available resources can also be predicted so as to respond to the changes of demand patterns in logistics operations. Furthermore, information about cost and resources in the assignments is generated in the proposed algorithm to provide companies with the aid of decision making for logistics distribution management and control.


  1. 652101.pdf
  2. 652102.pdf
  3. 652103.pdf

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