Title: 利用射頻濺鍍製成硫化錳鎘薄膜及其特性之研究
Studies of CdMnS Thin Films Prepared by R.F. Sputtering
Authors: 陳士弘
Keywords: 半磁性半導體;硫化錳鎘;DMS;Cd1-XMnXS
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 我們利用雙槍射頻濺鍍的方式製成硫化錳鎘薄膜。由X光繞射(XRD), X 光
能量散射分析(EDAX)和掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(SEM)的量測結果, 我們發現
晶格常數和晶粒大小隨錳濃度增加而減小,而且薄膜的表 面均勻 且平整
。我們由吸收光譜決定硫化錳鎘薄膜的能帶寬度。此 能帶寬度隨錳 的變
化與 M. Ikeda 等人在 1962 年發表的文章有極 為相似的結果。 拉曼散
射的結果顯示了當錳濃度提高時,1LO 的峰值會向高能位移。 我們採用
Cd/sub 1-x/ Mn/sub x/ S thin films were prepared by R.F.
sputtering with dual guns.By measuring of X-ray diffract- ion,
EDAX, and SEM; we found that the lattice parameter and grain
size decreased with increasing x, and the surface morphology of
deposited films were smoooth and uniform.We determined the
energy gap energy of the Cd/sub 1-x/ Mn/sub x/ S thin films by
absorption spectra. The energy gap varied with x revealed the
similar tendency reported by M. Ikeda et al. in 1962.Raman
scattering shows that 1LO peak blue shifted and split when the
Mn was added. We use rapid thermal annealing for improving the
quality of deposited films.
Appears in Collections:Thesis