標題: 彩色反轉半色調法
Color Inverse Halftoning
作者: 趙子毅
Tsi-Yi Chao
Hsueh-Ming Hang
關鍵字: 彩色反轉半色調法;color invers halftoning
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 彩色半色調法是一種非常普遍的列印以及顯示技巧,通常用於彩色列印或 者二元顯示器,而其中每一色素皆有二種狀態(打點或不打點)。然而許 多影像處理方式如濾波,加強及壓縮對於具有灰階的影像成效較佳。因此 ,將彩色的二元影像轉成彩色灰階影像的彩色反轉半色調法是非常實用的 。在這份報告中,我們首先檢視一些基本的單色半色調及反轉半色調法, 然後再介紹一般的彩色半色調法和彩色元色空間的轉換,其中包括從 (R, G,B)到(C,M,Y)和從(R,G,B)到(C,M,Y,K)。彩色反轉半色調系統大約有兩 種輸入影像:第一種是理想的二元半色調影像資料、第二種是掃描器取樣 進來的影像資料。當彩色反轉半色調法所接收的影像資料為理想的二元半 色調影像資料,我們只要針對個別彩色元素使用單色反轉半色調法即可達 到另人滿意的結果。如果彩色反轉半色調法所接收的影像資料為掃描器所 取樣之影像,在還原成為具有灰階影像的方法上與前述方法是相當不同的 。因此我們發展出印表機及和掃描器的模式以及兩種還原掃描影像成為原 始影像的方法,在第一種方法中,還原濾波器是直接從掃描器所取樣的影 像和原始灰階影像中導出。在第二種方法中,彩色半色調,列印以及掃描 過程都一一被反轉以求得還原濾波器。上述兩種方法皆能產生合理的良好 結果。在掃描模式以及灰階影像還原尚可能再進一步改進,因此仍存在許 多課題有待繼續深入探討。 Color halftoning is a very popular technique for producing printed pictures with only two levels for each color. Our goal in this research is to find a good color inverse halftoning algorithm. There are two types of input images to the inverse halftoning system : (1) ideal digital halftoned image data, and (2) sampled image data from a scanner. When the received halftone images are ideal digital data, we can simply apply the previous obtained monochrome inverse halftoning techniques to each color component separately and achieve rather satisfactory results. The situation is rather different in recovering gray- scale images from the scanned images. To this end, we develop the printer and the scanner models and two types of reconstruction methods to recover the original gray-scale image from the scanned image. In the first method, the reconstruction filter is derived directly from the scanned data and the ideal original gray-scale image. In the second method, the forward halftoning, the printing and the scanning process are reversed one by one. Either approach seems to produce reasonably good results. Further improvement on the scanner model and the recovery of gray-scale images need to be investigated.
Appears in Collections:Thesis