標題: 16灰階主動式尋址STN LCD控制器之設計
The Design of 16-gray-level Controller Using Modified Active Addressing and Frame Modulation
作者: 何文豪
Wen-Hao Ho
Jiin-Chuan Wu
關鍵字: 液晶顯示器;主動式尋址;LCD; STN; active addressing; frame modulation
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 在本篇論文中,我們提出了一種改良的主動式尋址液晶顯示器的驅動技術
”圖框響應( Frame response )" 現象及降低顯示列上所加的驅動電壓
0.8um 單層多晶矽 ( Single-Poly ),雙層金屬 ( Double- Metal ) 的
製程技術,做成了一顆積體電路 ( IC )。這顆積體電路工作於
36.864MHz 的信號頻率,可以控制 480 * 320 像素 ( pixel ) 的 STN
LCD 面板。在本篇論文中,我們將詳細介紹改良之主動尋址的驅動原理。
This thesis describes a new LCD driving technique, called
modified active addressing, which yields high contrast ratio,
eliminates "frame response" and reduces the amplitude of
selected rows. We also describe a method to generate gray level
which uses less hardware and is called frame modulation. This
circuit has been fabricated in a 0.8um CMOS single poly double
metal technology. This IC operates at 36.864MHz to control
480*320 pixels STN LCD panel. In this thesis, the detailed
theoretical description for the modified active addressing,
hardware circuit, spice simulation result, layout description
and measurement results will be presented.