Title: | 2.44 GHz和900 MHz電波在走廊傳播場強模式與量測 Modeling and Measurement of 2.44 GHz and 900 MHz Radio Corridors |
Authors: | 許倍滄 Bey-Jsang Hsu 唐震寰,彭松村 Jenn-Hwan Tang,S.T. Peng 電信工程研究所 |
Keywords: | 900 MHz ,2.44 GHz ,走廊;900 MHz ,2.44 GHz ,corridor |
Issue Date: | 1994 |
Abstract: | 在本論文中,吾人除發展出在大樓走廊環境之無線電波理論傳播模式 該模 式乃根據電磁波之反射,穿透及繞射理論並結合射線理論而成。另一霅惆 癟髡□00 MHz及2.44播之場強量測工作。同時將理論狾□甡壑孛纁|損失 與實驗值相比,發現所發展之理論模式有相當之準確性並觀察到發現在長 廊之傳播取決於地面及牆面反射和直接波之貢獻;至於b長廊轉彎處之傳播 則以穿透內牆電波對接收信號之貢獻最大(在非視線漱妤“□。 In this report, theoretical models to predict radio n a corridor have been developed. The models based on theay-tracing technique and electromagnetic theories of reflection, ransmission and diffraction. The computed path loss is comparedith the measured value of 900 MHz and 2.44 GHz radio propagationn a hallway or around the corner and gives a reasonable he major mechanisms of propagation along the hallway areoverned by the wall and floor reflections and the direct ray. Theeceived power mainly comes from the transmitted fields throughhe interior walls in the out-of-sight situations. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/59354 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |