Title: 新型互補式金氧半射頻接收器前置電路設計與分析
The Design and Analysis of New CMOS RF Receiver Front-End Circuits
Authors: 蕭碩源
Hsiao, Shuo-Yuan
Wu Chung-Yu
Keywords: 射頻;互補式金氧半;接收器;前置電路;放大器;混波器;Radio Frequency;CMOS;Receiver;Front-End;Amplifier;Mixer
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 本篇論文的主旨在於闡述射頻接收器前置電路的設計方法及製作技
方形迴旋電感器的模型、設計、及分析﹔(2)3V 900MHz 的金氧半互補
的設計與實現及其在 2GHz 射頻下轉換混波器的應用﹔(4)應用於行動
通訊系統的 900MHz 互補式金氧半射頻接收器前置電路設計。 首先,
方法可以不需重複的試驗而得到一個最佳特性的電感器。 其次,本論
交越點為-14dBm,功率消耗為78mW。 接下來,本論文中提出了一個新
,輸入端三諧交越點為+7.5dBm,電流消耗為21mA。 最後,根據前述
為-33dBm,輸入端阻抗匹配為-10分貝,而功率消耗為390mW。 經過模
In this thesis, the design methodology and
implementation techniques of CMOS RF receiver front-end circuits
are presented. There are four parts in this research, including
(1) the modeling, design, and analysis of square spiralinductors
on silicon substrate for radio frequency applications; (2) the
designand analysis of a 3-V 900-MHz CMOS bandpass amplifier for
wireless applications;(3) the design and implementation of a new
CMOS four-quadrant analog multiplierand its application to 2 GHz
RF downconversion mixer; (4) the design of a 900-MHz CMOS RF
receiver front-end circuits for the mobile
communicationapplications. At first, a multi-section
equivalent circuit model for the planar squarespiral inductors
on silicon substrate is proposed. In the proposed new model,the
spiral inductors are characterized turn-by-turn to consider the
distributioneffect and increase the model accuracy. Moreover,
the lateral substrateresistances of the inductors, which are not
well formularized previously, are alsomodeled and formularized.
The resultant model is totally formularized withoutfitting
parameter. Several inductors have been designed and fabricated
by 0.8umdouble-metal CMOS technology. It has been shown that
the model calculation resultsare consistent with the measured
results with a good accuracy up to 6 GHz. Thusthe proposed new
model can be used to characterize the integrated square
spiralinductors for RF applications. Based upon the proposed
model, a design methodologyis proposed to design an inductor
with the specified characteristics. Thismethodology can be used
to efficiently design an optimal inductor without longiterative
tuning of inductor parameters. Secondly, a new bandpass
amplifier which performs both functions of low-noise amplifier
(LNA) and bandpass filter (BPF), is proposed for the
applicationof 900 MHz RF front-end in wireless receivers. In the
proposed amplifier, thepositive-feedback Q-enhancement technique
is used to overcome the low-gain low-Qcharacteristics of the
CMOS tuned amplifier. The Miller-capacitance tuningscheme is
used to compensate for the process variations of center
frequency.Using the high-Q bandpass amplifier in the receivers,
the conventional bulky off-chip filter is not required. An
experimental chip fabricated by 0.8um N-welldouble-poly-double-
metal CMOS technology, occupies 2.6□2.0 mm2 chip area. Undera 3
V supply voltage, the measured quality factor is tunable between
2.2 and 44.When the quality factor is tuned at Q = 30, the
measured center frequency of theamplifier is tunable between 869
MHz and 893 MHz with power gain 17 dB, noisefigure 6.0 dB,
output 1dB compression point at -30 dBm, third-order
inputintercept point at -14 dBm, and power dissipation 78 mW.
Thirdly, a new structure for CMOS four-quadrant analog
multiplier is proposed and analyzed. By applying differential
input signals to a set ofcombiners, the multiplication function
can be implemented. Based on the proposedstructure, a low-
voltage high-performance CMOS four-quadrant analog multiplieris
designed and fabricated by 0.8 □m N-well double-poly-double-
metal CMOStechnology. Experimental results have shown that,
under a single 1.2 V supplyvoltage, the circuit has 0.89%
linearity error and 1.1% total harmonicdistortion under the
maximum-scale input 500 mVP-P at both multiplier inputs.The -3
dB bandwidth is 2.2 MHz and the dc current is 2.3 mA. By using
theproposed multiplier as a mixer-core and connecting a newly
designed outputbuffer, a CMOS RF downconversion mixer is
designed and implemented by 0.5umsingle-poly-double-metal N-well
CMOS technology. The experimental results haveshown that, under
3 V supply voltage and 2dBm LO power, the mixer has -1
dBconversion gain, 2.2 GHz input bandwidth, 180MHz output
bandwidth, and 22 dBnoise figure. Under the LO frequency 1.9 GHz
and The total dc current 21 mA,the third-order input intercept
point is +7.5 dBm and the input 1 dB compressionpoint is -9 dBm.
Finally, based on the proposed new RF bandpass amplifier and
mixer structure, a 900MHz CMOS image rejection receiver front-
end circuits isdesigned. The receiver circuit is designed and
simulated by using 0.5um N-welldouble-poly-double-metal CMOS
technology. The overall chip area is 2.54mm x2.54 mm. The HSPICE
simulation results have shown that, with 850 MHz 0 dBm RFLO and
100MHz 0 dBm IF LO inputs under 3V supply voltage, the CMOS RF
receiverfront-end circuit has the gain of 36 dB, the noise
figure of 5.7 dB, the thirdorder input intercept point of -14
dBm, the input 1 dB compression point of -33dBm, the input S11
of -10dB, and the power dissipation of 390 mW. It is
believed that the proposed high performance RF receiver front-
end circuits can be applied to an all-CMOS wireless
communication system. Thus alow-cost small-size mobile equipment
can be implemented. Further research onthe integration of other
transceiver components will be conducted in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis