標題: 有意願接受雷射視力矯正LASIK手術之近視、遠視或散光民眾市場區隔研究—以台北市七家醫學中心眼科門診為例
A Market Segmentation Study on Ametropia Patients Willing to Accept LASIK in Medical Centers of Taipei
作者: 顏君聿
關鍵字: 雷射手術;準分子雷射角膜重塑術;創新採用;產品屬性;生活型態;市場區隔;laser surgery;LASIK;innovation adoption;product attributes;lifestyle;marketing segmentation
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 隨著科學的進步,目前科學家對於雷射已有較深入的認識,也有較好的掌控,醫界利用它可以製造許多診斷或治療疾病的儀器,例如在眼科應用上,眼科醫師就嘗試用雷射來治療不同的眼科疾病,至今雷射手術已是眼科醫師常用手術之一。目前應用最多、市場最大的應屬視力矯正部分,透過準分子雷射來進行角膜屈光手術。 準分子雷射角膜重塑術(LASIK)在一九九八年七月通過美國FDA八年嚴格的臨床測試,證明可安全、準確地治療近視、遠視及散光。其具有準確性高、安全性高、穩定性高、手術時間短及舒適性高等優點,又加上台灣有超過40%的國人患有近視,對於視力健康的要求越來越高,「雷射視力矯正LASIK手術」遂成為大家矚目的新焦點。 本研究藉由分析近視、遠視或散光民眾的需求,透過創新採用理論,作為未來對雷射視力矯正LASIK手術接受程度之推論;並嘗試探討對LASIK手術有接受意願的消費者,是否能以生活型態加以區隔,來決定目標顧客群,探討集群在人口統計變數、接受過程變數以及對產品屬性評估準則的差異性,以提供業者制定行銷策略。 本研究採用結構式問卷調查法蒐集資料,以台北市七家醫學中心眼科門診病患中,有意願接受雷射視力矯正LASIK手術之近視、遠視或散光民眾為對象進行研究,蒐集有效樣本432份;在分析方法上,以次數分配百分比、因素分析、信度分析、集群分析、區別分析、變異數分析、雪費檢定、卡方檢定、複迴歸分析等統計方法,對蒐集之樣本資料進行分析。 本研究發現生活型態可以有效區隔有意願接受LASIK手術之潛在消費者。在人口統計變數上,在性別、年齡、教育程度、職業類別、個人每月可支用所得、眼科醫療消費忠誠度等皆有顯著差異。在消費者接受過程變數上皆有顯著差異,包括資訊來源、手術功能看法、興趣、採用原因、手術價格與手術地點。在資訊來源上,主要以電視媒體佔大多數,其次為親朋好友或同事告知;在功能看法上,約有六成民眾認為雷射角膜重塑LASIK手術比角膜切除術及傳統屈光手術提供更多元化的服務;在興趣方面,有興趣者佔居多數,約九成左右;在採用原因上,消費者大多是為了免去戴眼鏡或隱形眼鏡的麻煩,佔了八成三;在手術價格上,消費者對手術價格接受程度以2萬到4萬元居多;手術接受地點則以醫學中心佔最多,其次為眼科診所。不同生活型態的消費者集群在產品屬性評估準則中的醫療機構重視、名聲重視、時間重視、就診方便性與價格重視上有顯著差異存在;在整體上,消費者最重視就診方便性及手術的附加價值。
With the advancement of technology, scientists have a further understanding of laser and know how to control it better. Many medical instruments applying laser technology have been made to diagnose cure diseases. For example, the oculists tried to cure many kinds of eye’s diseases by laser in ophthalmology application. Nowadays, the laser surgery has been one of most popular ophthalmology surgeries. Laser has been the most widely used to permanently correct refractive errors. LASIK is approved to treat ametropia safely and precisely by the strictly clinical tests of FDA in July 1998. LASIK has some advantages over accuracy, safety, stability, timeless and comfort. Furthermore, over 40% of Taiwanese are nearsighted. Many of them are eager to have a better eyesight. Thus, “The laser surgery- LASIK” becomes the new focus by everybody. We used Innovation Adoption Theory and revised it as the study’s frame used to identify the acceptance of the LASIK operation based on ameprotia patients' preference and their demand. In addition, we try to find out whether the ameprotia patients can be segregated by their life style so as to identify target consumer groups and to describe their characteristics. We provide our research results to the industry to formulate their marketing strategies. This research is to use structured questionnaires, and we got 432 effective copies of the samples we used for this study are the ameprotia patients who attended to the 7 medical centers of Taipei. All data were analyzed with the following methods: Frequency Distribution Analysis, Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Discriminant Analysis, MANOVA Analysis, Scheffe’s Test and Chi-square Test. From the samples we discovered that potential consumers could be effectively segregated by life style. In addition, we found the demographic variables shows difference do exist in terms of the gender, age, education, occupation, personal monthly average income and the habit to take the medical treatment. We found the consumers’ adoption behavior variables shows difference do exist in terms of source of information, opinion of the function, interested, reason to adopt, the price of the operation and the place to adopt. In order to target these potential customers, different marketing strategies are required. Primary sources of the LASIK information come from TV and radio programs, the next is from samples’ relatives and friends. About 60% of the samples who has heard of LASIK can provide multifunctional services when compared to RK, ALK/MLK and PRK. 90% of the samples showed interests in LASIK. About 83% of the samples who want to adopt LASIK because they can exempt from wearing glasses or contact lenses. Most of the samples can accept the price of LASIK about 20 to 40 thousands. The majority are willing to take LASIK in medical centers and the next are in ophthalmology clinics. It also shows differences do exist between different lifestyle groups in evaluating factors on attach importance to medical treatment mechanisms, reputation, time, convenience to see a doctor and price. In the whole potential users, they emphasize to the convenience to see a doctor and the additional value of the operation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis