Title: GA VSB HDTV 地面傳輸系統之模擬
GA VSB HDTV Terrestrial Transmission System Simulation
Authors: 周俊彥
Vincent Chow
Wen-Thong Chang
Keywords: 殘帶調變,高畫質電視,地面廣播;VSB, HDTV, terrestrial transmission, Grand Alliance
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 基於實驗室內的測試結果, 8-VSB系統已被美國的Grand Alliance (GA)選
為高畫質電視(HDTV)地面廣播的方法. 此系統亦已被FCC Advisory
Committee on Advanced Television(ACATS)所核准, 預備用來取代已使
多路徑傳輸(multipath propagation), 各種雜訊, 以及NTSC同頻道干擾
(cochannel interference)等破壞的頻寬6MHz的頻道來傳送的確是數位通
藉以評估其在將來HDTV地面廣播應用上的可行性. 模擬著重在通道等化
器 (channel equalizr), 相位追蹤迴路(phase tracking loop), NTSC干
擾除濾波器(NTSC rejection filter), 以及通道編碼.
On the basis of laboratory testing, the 8-VSB transmission
system was selected as the vehicle for the terrestrial
transmission of the high definition television (HDTV) by the
Grand Alliance USA. This system has been approved by the FCC
Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Service (ACATS),and
is intended to replace the fifty years old NTSC system now in
use. To squeeze the HDTV signal at rate over 20Mb/s into a 6MHz
bandwidth channel which suffers from multipath propagation,
noises, and NTSC cochannel interference, is really a challenge
of digital transmission. To investigate the suitability of this
system under real world condition of propagation, we simulate
the various components of this system. Emphases are placed on
channel equalizer, phase tracking loop, NTSC rejection filter,
and channel coding.
Appears in Collections:Thesis