DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorYu-An Hsuen_US
dc.contributor.authorYingchan Edwin Tangen_US
dc.description.abstractIngene和Lusch (1979)主張:為了解零售業對總體經濟的貢獻度,必須去解決回答關於零售生產力的問題。生產力議題不只對於政策制定者有意義,對於行銷者亦然。因為(1)生產力與行銷產品的成本有關;(2)行銷者對於零售業的經濟效率所知甚少;(3)探討零售生產力可與其它業別相互比較。中國的經濟解禁與開放是生產力變遷轉移的過程。在中國,地方企業正快速地興建購物中心、辦公大樓、國宅公寓和郊區預售屋;當地政府則努力地建設鐵路、橋梁和隧道;而製造業興起生產更多的冰箱、手機、和DVD錄像機等等產品。因為這些急劇的生產。中國經濟在2003年前三季以平均8.5%高成長率成長。 本篇論文探討中國零售業的轉移過程。以環境、資本、勞動、管理、政府調控、競爭和科技等構面衡量中國零售業的生產力和績效。研究目的是估量上述所提生產函數中的這些變數。研究結果發現中國的零售業仍處於規模經濟的階段(Increasing returns to scale)。Cobb-Douglas生產函數顯示零售業的資本、勞動薪資和國外直接投資(FDI)對於生產力有正向影響效果。此外,Transcendental logarithmic函數指出購買力、平均薪資、外資企業、百貨公司與超級市場業態的普及率、和勞動-資本密集度也對生產力有正向影響。總結來說,中國市場上目前激烈的競爭、外資帶來的管理技術與know-how、偏低的勞動薪資、經濟規模和市場需求將促使零售業態朝向更具效率與生產力的結構邁進。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIngene and Lusch (1979) asserted that to understand the contribution of retailing sector to the economy, some major questions revolved around the productivity of retail trade must be answered. The productivity of retailing is not only of interest to government policy makers, but also to marketers. Because (1) the productivity of retailing is a significant component in influencing the cost of marketing goods, (2) marketers seldom knows about the economy efficiency of retailing, and (3) it helps compare retailing productivity to other sectors of the economy. The process of deregulation in China is to the productivity transition. Local companies are building shopping malls, office building, apartments, and suburban housing estates as fast as they can; Local governments are hard at work on six-lane expressways, bridges, and tunnels; And factories are ramping up to build more refrigerators, cell phones, and DVD players. As a result of this frenzy production, China economy grew at an average 8.5% rate for the first three quarters in 2003. The paper investigates the transition process of the China retail sector. The retail sector’s productivity and performance are evaluated in the context of environment, capital, labor, management, government mediation, competition, and technology. Purpose is to estimate the importance of the above mentioned determinants on production functions. The results find that the retailing sector of China stays in increasing returns to scale. The Cobb-Douglas function reveals that capital of retailers, pay of the employees and foreign direct investment (FDI) are significantly positive to productivity. In addition, transcendental logarithmic function indicates that buying power index, average wage rate, overseas investment enterprises, department stores and supermarkets penetration, and labor-capital intensity are also significantly positive to productivity. We conclude that intensity of competition, management know-how from foreign investment, lower wage rate, economies of scale, and market demand help to the structure of China retailing to a more efficient and productive market.en_US
dc.subjectRetail Productivityen_US
dc.titleThe Transition of Retailing Sector in China: An Assessment on Productivity and Efficiencyen_US