Title: 直接數位合成器系統原型之探討
Investigation of Direct Digital Synthesizer System Prototype
Authors: 劉鈞安
Chiun-An J. Liu
Ching-Kuang C. Tzuang
Keywords: 直接數位合成器;跳頻;場效可程式閘極陣列;Direct Digital Synthesizer; Frequency Hopping; Field Programmable Gate Array
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 本論文所發表之直接數位合成器,為一種新型可控制之快速跳頻機器,利用 數位信號處理之取樣理論及數位積體電路如場效可程式閘極陣列 ,及TTL 族等所實現產生之技術,成為世界上最快速的跳頻機,其頻率間之暫態時間 可遠小於1usec,與傳統 之相位鎖定迴路合成器msec之比較,有極大的優 勢,並且其在頻率交換時,相位具有連續性,另一項優點為其頻率解析度在 理論上可小到mHz以下,如此可產生幾乎無限制的可調頻寬. The direct digital synthesizer(DDS),presented in the thesis ,is a new type of controllable rapid hopping machine. Using the sampling theorem in digital signal processing and the realizable techniques of digital integrated circuit such as FPGA,TTL,it may be the fast hopping frequency machine in the world.It had the advantage over the conventional phase lock loop synthesizer because in frequency response the transient time of the new machine is mach smaller than 1usec compared with that of conventional one 1msec. And the phase of the new machine is continuous in frequency exchange.Ano- ther advantage is the theoretic frequency resolution can be reduced to mHz and below. So it can nearly generate adjusta- ble unlimited frequency band.
Appears in Collections:Thesis