標題: 知識資源乃組織競爭優勢之關鍵因素的探討─採資源基礎觀點
A Study on Knowledge Resource as the Critical Factor of Organizational Competitive Advantage - A Resource - based Perspective
作者: 謝宗宏
Simon Shieh
Jaw-Ming Chen;Pao-Long Chong
關鍵字: 知識;資源;組織;競爭優勢;關鍵因素;資源基礎的;Knowledge;Resource;Organization;Competitive Advantege;Critical Factor;Resource-Based
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 現今的社會,在型態上已成為組織的社會;就實質內涵上,則是知識的社 會。知識已經取代土地,資本成為最具策略性的生產資源。本文以「資源 基礎理論」做為進一步推論的切入點,認為欲使知識資源發揮功用,以形 成競爭優勢,則有賴組織能力的發揮。組織能力,即如何連接(link),對 應(mapping)企業的資源和機會的關係的能力。表現在四方面的連接: 1.連接組織與外部環境。 2.連接人力資源系統與競爭優勢。 3.連接資訊 技術與競爭優勢。 4.連接組織結構與競爭優勢。本文以Scott Morton (1991)的社會技術系統架構, 來分解組織能力這個概念。認為連接組織 與外部環境,主要有賴環境掃瞄系統的建立。接下來討論發現IT競爭優勢 的機會領域領域的方法,及IT的策略分析,使組織能獲致有效決策的資訊 ,採取正確的行動,以獲得競爭優勢。此外,本文認為組織應以發展組織 策略性視野,做為人力資源系統與競爭優勢的整合。組織並應建立橫向合 作機制,做為使知識工作者的知識資源,能更有效交換、流動的機制,以 產生高品質的行動,達成組織整體的競爭優勢。最後以三個實例及一個知 識創造理論,藉以說明第三章所探討的關鍵因素是有實例上的證據存在的 。最後,則分別對學術界及實務界提出建言。 Today's society,in its form,has become a society of organizations;while in its content, a knowledge society. Knowledge itself,has replaced the traditional factors such as land and capital, become the most strategic resources of today' s organizations. This thesis takes the "Resource-based perspective" as the viewpoint of argumentation.From this perspective,the author explain how an organization exploits its knowledge resource to gain competitive advantage over competitors. And the caitical factors,lie in the deployment of organizational competence. Organizaitonal competence, the ability of linking, mapping a busaness's resources and its opportunities,is representing in the next four fields: 1.Linking an organization and its external environment. 2.Linking human resource system and competitive advantage. 3.Linking information technology and competitive advantage. 4.Linking organizational structure and competitive advantage. This thesis takes the Scott Morton (1991) sociotechnological (STS) framework to explain the " organizational competence " concept. To link an organization and its external environment, mainly depends on the effective environment scanning system;to link human resource system and competitive advantage ,a strategic organizational vision is developed; to access adequate information for efective decision and action, the IT opportunities domain definition and the IT strategic analysis are both prerequired; In addition, an organization should build the enternal lateral coordinatig merchanism by which the knowledge resources can be transfered and exchanged more effectively,so an organization can achieved its competitive advantage. In the forth charpter,by three explantory cases and a knowledge creation theory,the author suggest the management strategies an knowledge organization should take. In the last charpter, some interesting research issues for futhur academic study are raised, and some useful guides for the real world businesses are also discussed.