標題: 交通部電信訓練所學員覺察之學習滿意度調查研究
A Study of the Trainee Reaction on Learning Satisfaction to the Telecommunication Training Institute
作者: 鄭田
Cheng Tien
Jaw-Ming Chen
關鍵字: 電信;學員;學習;滿意度;覺察;屬性;Telecommunication;Trainee;Learning;Satisfaction;Perceived; Attribution
公開日期: 1994
摘要: 本研究係從學員反應層面,以自編的五點量表調查問卷,抽取84年 2月13 日至2月25日期間正在交通部電信訓練所受訓之學員分發問卷調查,將收 集到的有效問卷以 SPSS for Windows 做統計分析,藉以探討學員因個人 人口統計屬性、參訓方式、工作性質、學習動機、開班教學科、及受訓地 點之不同,與學員所覺察的學習滿意度關係;並研究交通部電信訓練所學 員覺察的整體及各構面滿意度,供電信訓練所相關單位作為規劃及改進之 參考。研究結果發現:不同性別、年齡、年資、參訓方式、及訓練地點的 學員所覺察之整體及各構面滿意度有顯著性差異,而不同工作性質學員只 對「學習環境」構面覺察的滿意度有顯著性差異;此外,學習滿意度與學 員的職務層次成正相關。在四個構面中除「學習環境」未達「滿意」水準 外,「課程教材」、「教師教學」及「人際關係」等三構面的滿意度平均 數均超過4 分,即達滿意水準以上,其中以「教師教學」構面之滿意度最 高(4.27),「學習環境」的滿意度最低(3.80),未達「滿意」水準。尤其 是板橋本所的「宿舍」及「伙食」滿意度平均數分別只有 3.29及3.28, 距「滿意」水準尚有一段差距。整體而言,電信訓練所學員覺察之整體滿 意度達到「滿意」水準,但距電信總局核定之電信訓練所經營績效評鑑指 標尚有一段差距,顯示電信訓練所對學員滿意度所涵蓋的各構面仍有加以 改善的必要。 This study attempted to survey the trainee reaction on learning satisfaction to know how the trainees felt about the training programs provided by TTI, Telecommunication Training Institute, and to survey if the perceptual difference of trainees varied with the different variables such as personal attribution, attending mode, job type, reason of learning , responding department for the course, and training place respectively.A self-designed questionnaire according to Likert type five-point scale was used to obtain data. According to the outcome of this study,it showed that there were some significent difference perceived on learning satisf- action among different trainees' sex, age, job year, attending mode, and training place, while other variables did not have any significent difference perceived on learning satisfaction except the job type of trainees which had a significent difference perceived on learning environment factor. Learning satisfaction was positive relation to the level of job title. The higher the level was, the higher satisfaction was. Average scale of satisfaction on teacher teaching factor was the highest and that on environment factor was the lowest among 4 factors which learning satisfaction involved. Total average scale of satisfaction on TTI was 4.04 which just over 4. Apparently TTI should made more effort to improve and get higher satisfaction from trainees reaction.
Appears in Collections:Thesis