標題: 面試官行為、企業雇用形象對應徵者求職意圖的影響
The Effects of Interviewer Behavior and Company Employment Image on Applicant Job Pursuit Intention
作者: 林正偉
Cheng-Wei Lin
Wei-Chi Tsai
關鍵字: 面試官行為;企業雇用形象;應徵者的求職意圖;Interviewer behavior;Company employment image;Applicant job pursuit intention
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 近年來,許多產業均面臨人力短缺的現象,因此確保招募活動的效率性,便成為當今企業當務之急的重要課題。而面談在公司的招募活動中,往往扮演著重要的角色,因此本研究的目的便是要釐清面談中的面試官行為與面談前的企業雇用形象,如何對應徵者的求職意圖產生影響。此外,過去學者也說明了企業雇用形象可能影響面談的程序,但是這方面的研究卻較少被探討,因此本研究也將企業雇用形象與面試官行為作一個結合,假設低企業雇用形象的公司,其面試官行為將會對應徵者的求職意圖產生較正面的影響。 本研究以57家科技產業公司為研究對象,透過具有參與國防役資格的電機、資訊、理工相關背景的研究所學生,共分成兩組受試者,其中A組為275個參與過國防役面談的學生,要求其對面試官行為與應徵者求職意圖此二變數進行填答;另一B組為120個未參與過面談的學生,要求其對企業雇用形象此變數進行填答。研究結果發現,面試官行為與企業雇用形象對應徵者求職意圖具有正向的影響。此外,本研究也發現企業雇用形象不會干擾到面試官行為與應徵者求職意圖的關係,顯示面試官行為對應徵者求職意圖的影響,並不會隨著企業雇用形象之高低而有所不同。
As shortages of qualified workers have become prevalent in many industries in recent year, making sure the efficiency of recruitment activities is the critical topic for enterprises. Furthermore, the interview is an important device in the recruitment activities. The purpose of this study was to examine how do the interviewer behavior and company employment image (CEI) influence the applicant job pursuit intention. Although scholars illustrate that CEI may influence the process of interview, there has been little research in the recruitment literature. Therefore, this study discuss the interaction of CEI and interviewer behavior, and it is hypothesized that the interviewer behavior will influence applicant intention more positively in low CEI than high CEI. Data collection involved 57 technological companies and two groups of respondents including 275, 120 students respectively. The results indicated that both interviewer behavior and CEI were positively related to applicant job pursuit intention. Moreover, the interaction of CEI and interviewer behavior was not significantly related to applicant job pursuit intention. It indicated that the relationship between interviewer behavior and applicant job pursuit intention was not affected by CEI.